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Forumer storico
ma sì dai, perché non facciamo un po' di outing per ammazzare l'attesa e confrontarci :) ?

allora, io ho:

BPCE 588 @ 93,5 (un po' più di cip)
Bawag 897 @ 70,6 (mantenute da prima della discesa, tanticchie tanticchie)
BES 854 @ 66,5 (un po' più di cip, però...:wall::wall::wall::wall: )
e poi, ma qui siamo OT: GGB OTT19 EUR 6,5% @ 69 (anche qui, un po' più di un cip...:-o:-o:-o)

resto (40%) liquidità: forse troppo secondo voi in questo momento?

BPCE 588 (incrementare)
AEGON 150 (me le sono lasciate scappare a 53...)
ING 587 (idem...)
CFCM 835
BP 290
Eureko 246
KBC 747
ING 219


Se vogliamo fare un po' di outing le mie perpetual per ora sono ( messe non come quantità ma come tasso):

Tasso fisso in €:
FR0010208751 Groupama 4,375%
FR0010239319 BNP PARIBAS 4,875%
XS0310904155 SNS Reaal Groep NV 6,258%
XS0356687219 banco popol Lodi 6,742%
XS0304963373 BPVN 6,756%
XS0356687219 ING 8%
XS0456541506 ISP 8,375%
XS0372300227 BP MI 9%
XS0449487619 Soc Gen 9,375%

Tasso fisso in $:
FR0010279208 CNCEP (BPCE)6,75%

Tasso fisso in sterline
XS0372556299 UC 8,5925%

Tasso variabile in €
XS0131739236 BCA ANTONIANA POP VEN EURIBOR 3 MESI+3,10% ced trim
FR0010161026 CRED AGRICOLE IRS10 + 0,025% con CAP 7,75% ced annua.
XS0207764712 BFCM IRS10 anni + 0,10%, con cap 8%con cedole semest
DE000A0DD4K8 BA CA IRS10 anni + 0,10%, con cap 8% con cedole semest
XS0181369454 AXA IRS10 anni + 0,20%, con cap 10%con cedole trimest
XS0197703118 Rothschilds legate al TEC 10 +0,35%con cedole trimest
NL0000116150 Aegon TdS Olanda 10 anni + 0,10% con cap 8%cedole trimest
NL0000116127 ING TdS olandese decennale+0,10%con CAP 9%cedole trimest
NL0000113587 ING TdS olandese decennale + 0,50% e senza MAX ced trimest
XS0188935174 AXA 4%+22% di IRS10 anni cedola annuale

Tasso variabile in $:
XS0185672291 AXA USD CMS10 +0,05% con cap 8%con cedole semest
NL0000116168 AEGON USD CMS 10 anni +0,10%con cap 8,5% cedole trimest


Forumer attivo
Se vogliamo fare un po' di outing le mie perpetual per ora sono ( messe non come quantità ma come tasso):

Tasso fisso in €:
FR0010208751 Groupama 4,375%
FR0010239319 BNP PARIBAS 4,875%
XS0310904155 SNS Reaal Groep NV 6,258%
XS0356687219 banco popol Lodi 6,742%
XS0304963373 BPVN 6,756%
XS0356687219 ING 8%
XS0456541506 ISP 8,375%
XS0372300227 BP MI 9%
XS0449487619 Soc Gen 9,375%

Tasso fisso in $:
FR0010279208 CNCEP (BPCE)6,75%

Tasso fisso in sterline
XS0372556299 UC 8,5925%

Tasso variabile in €
XS0131739236 BCA ANTONIANA POP VEN EURIBOR 3 MESI+3,10% ced trim
FR0010161026 CRED AGRICOLE IRS10 + 0,025% con CAP 7,75% ced annua.
XS0207764712 BFCM IRS10 anni + 0,10%, con cap 8%con cedole semest
DE000A0DD4K8 BA CA IRS10 anni + 0,10%, con cap 8% con cedole semest
XS0181369454 AXA IRS10 anni + 0,20%, con cap 10%con cedole trimest
XS0197703118 Rothschilds legate al TEC 10 +0,35%con cedole trimest
NL0000116150 Aegon TdS Olanda 10 anni + 0,10% con cap 8%cedole trimest
NL0000116127 ING TdS olandese decennale+0,10%con CAP 9%cedole trimest
NL0000113587 ING TdS olandese decennale + 0,50% e senza MAX ced trimest
XS0188935174 AXA 4%+22% di IRS10 anni cedola annuale

Tasso variabile in $:
XS0185672291 AXA USD CMS10 +0,05% con cap 8%con cedole semest
NL0000116168 AEGON USD CMS 10 anni +0,10%con cap 8,5% cedole trimest

Ammazza qui c'è gente che ha patrimoni da Hedge Fund... :wall:
Eh... Poi dicono che c'è crisi... :D :eek:


Bos 4 Mod
News da Oevag

As part of new strategy ÖVAG evaluates sale of participations and issues guidance
In accordance with its “Strategy 2015”, Österreichische Volksbanken-AG (ÖVAG) will be focusing on its core business. This includes ÖVAG’s function as the central institution of the Volksbank sector, the corporate business and the real estate activities. Austria and its neighbouring countries constitute the core regions for these activities. For business activities and participations which are not part of ÖVAG´s core business, various options are currently being evaluated. In this context, the Management Board resolved at today's meeting to review the possible sale of the stakes in Volksbank International AG and VB-Leasing International Holding GmbH and to initiate the respective process. The corresponding steps, which will take place over the course of the next few months and are to be supported by the mandated consultants, could result in the sale of these stakes.
Based on its new strategy, the group plans to reach the following targets (according to IFRS) by 2015*:
- Increase return on equity (RoE) to at least 10%
- Maintain the tier 1 ratio (credit risk) at about 10%
- Increase pre-tax earnings to at least EUR 125 million per year
- Maintain the already significantly improved cost-income ratio at approximately 55%
* Assumption: payments on the participation capital issued in 2008 are presented as dividend payments (as under Austrian GAAP).
It is expected that dividend payments on the participation capital held by the Republic of Austria and all other profit-related instruments will be made from 2012 onwards (i.e. for the fiscal years 2011 onwards). The government participation capital is expected to be redeemed starting in 2011 as stipulated by the agreement.

Stock exchange listed issues of participation capital issued by Österreichische Volksbanken-Aktiengesellschaft:
AT0000755665 Österreichische Volksbanken-AG
PartizipationsscheineXS0359924643 EUR 500,000,000 Perpetual Non Cumulative Participation Capital Certificates
The five biggest listed issues of Österreichische Volksbanken-Aktiengesellschaft in terms of issue volume:
The issues of Österreichische Volksbanken-Aktiengesellschaft are admitted on the following stock exchanges:
Regulated unofficial market of Wiener Börse AG
Official trading of Wiener Börse AG
EUWAX segment of Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse
Regulated market of Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse
Regulated market of the Prague Stock Exchange
Regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Open Market of Berlin Stock Exchange
Open Market of Stuttgart Stock Exchange
Open Market of Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Ad-hoc releases - Volksbank AG


Sto monitorando con attenzione anche questa. Come Eurohypo, quota da distressed...


Il mito, la leggenda.
As part of new strategy ÖVAG evaluates sale of participations and issues guidance
In accordance with its “Strategy 2015”, Österreichische Volksbanken-AG (ÖVAG) will be focusing on its core business. This includes ÖVAG’s function as the central institution of the Volksbank sector, the corporate business and the real estate activities. Austria and its neighbouring countries constitute the core regions for these activities. For business activities and participations which are not part of ÖVAG´s core business, various options are currently being evaluated. In this context, the Management Board resolved at today's meeting to review the possible sale of the stakes in Volksbank International AG and VB-Leasing International Holding GmbH and to initiate the respective process. The corresponding steps, which will take place over the course of the next few months and are to be supported by the mandated consultants, could result in the sale of these stakes.
Based on its new strategy, the group plans to reach the following targets (according to IFRS) by 2015*:
- Increase return on equity (RoE) to at least 10%
- Maintain the tier 1 ratio (credit risk) at about 10%
- Increase pre-tax earnings to at least EUR 125 million per year
- Maintain the already significantly improved cost-income ratio at approximately 55%
* Assumption: payments on the participation capital issued in 2008 are presented as dividend payments (as under Austrian GAAP).
It is expected that dividend payments on the participation capital held by the Republic of Austria and all other profit-related instruments will be made from 2012 onwards (i.e. for the fiscal years 2011 onwards). The government participation capital is expected to be redeemed starting in 2011 as stipulated by the agreement.

Stock exchange listed issues of participation capital issued by Österreichische Volksbanken-Aktiengesellschaft:
AT0000755665 Österreichische Volksbanken-AG
PartizipationsscheineXS0359924643 EUR 500,000,000 Perpetual Non Cumulative Participation Capital Certificates
The five biggest listed issues of Österreichische Volksbanken-Aktiengesellschaft in terms of issue volume:
The issues of Österreichische Volksbanken-Aktiengesellschaft are admitted on the following stock exchanges:
Regulated unofficial market of Wiener Börse AG
Official trading of Wiener Börse AG
EUWAX segment of Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse
Regulated market of Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse
Regulated market of the Prague Stock Exchange
Regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Open Market of Berlin Stock Exchange
Open Market of Stuttgart Stock Exchange
Open Market of Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Ad-hoc releases - Volksbank AG


Sto monitorando con attenzione anche questa. Come Eurohypo, quota da distressed...

Ciao Zorba....mi hai anticipato di un soffio...avrai sicuramente notato ...che entro il 2015 contano di mantenere il TIER 1 al 10% circa ...

Domanda cattiva ??

Se dal 2013 perderanno il Tier 1 del 10% circa all'anno (effetto Basilea 3 ) per cui si troveranno nel 2015 già il 30% in meno ....come faranno a mantenere il Tier 1 al 10% ....

Risposta : Emetteranno altro Tier 1 perpetuals visti i prezzi che ha il 10% perpetual di adesso (è fermo a circa 50) ...dovranno salire un bel po...;)

o fare operazioni straordinarie con l'incasso della vendita di VBI che ormai sembra deciso....;)

Comunque sembra adesso ufficiale che pagheranno per l'anno fiscale 2011 ....quindi incasso cedole dal 2012 sui perpetuals ...accumulo cedola dal 22 settembre 2011 per la 288

Dallo Standard .at

ÖVAG venduto VBI e VB Leasing Internazionale

07. Dicembre 2010, 15:02

A partire dal 2011 ricircolo del capitale di partecipazione federale

Vienna - L'austriaco Volksbank AG ( ÖVAG ) si concentra sul core business, come l'istituzione centrale del settore bancario nazionale, il business aziendale e immobiliare in Austria e nei paesi limitrofi. Di conseguenza, il processo di vendita per gli Bank International AG e il Popolo VB Leasing International Holding GmbH ha iniziato, la banca ha detto Martedì su una base ad hoc. Le fasi esplorative sono di "prendere posto nei pochi mesi successivi e potrebbe culminare in una vendita di tali investimenti."
ÖVAG ferma alla filiale riva orientale VBI 51 per cento, il 25,4 per cento appartenenti al tedesco co-proprietario ÖVAG DZ Bank e le banche del popolo francese. Fine del 2009, il gruppo di VBI 5.483 dipendenti in 580 filiali in Oriente. Il totale attività ammonta a € 14 miliardi.
Secondo l'Istituto prevede di rilasciare il 2015 return on equity (ROE) almeno il 10 per cento rilancio. Il Tier 1 ratio dovrebbe essere mantenuto stabile attorno al 10 per cento, ad aumentare il profitto prima delle imposte di almeno € 125 milioni. Il rapporto cost / income dovrebbe essere mantenuta a circa il 55 per cento. Il funzionamento della Partecipazione 2008 emesso capitale è rappresentato come analogo importo dividendo UGB. da versare alla capitale federale e la partecipazione a tutti gli altri strumenti relativi alle prestazioni (o per gli anni fiscali dal 2011), i dividendi dal 2012, la banca ha annunciato. A partire dal 2011 per la partecipazione della capitale federale essere restituiti "d'intesa". (APA)

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