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Forumer storico
metto qualche prezzo anche io:

bp 290 denaro 72 lettera 73

unicredit 243 99.25 99.75 (si é ripresa con grandissima velocitá)


Forumer storico
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Nuovo forumer
Bes offer exchange


XS0147275829 60%
XS0207754754 54%
XS0171467854 52%

Las cambian por unas de 100KEur, son senior hasta el 2.016 y dan el 5años mid swap+4,3%.


Bos 4 Mod

XS0147275829 60%
XS0207754754 54%
XS0171467854 52%

Las cambian por unas de 100KEur, son senior hasta el 2.016 y dan el 5años mid swap+4,3%.

Grazie mille Donadoli:up:.

Ecco il comunicato. Certo che offrono solo 52 per ricomprare ila BES 854:(


  • Avis_23623.pdf
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Nuovo forumer
BES exchange

Zorba, I have some 854, but I have some doubts:

1. Next 2nd of July they pay coupon.
2. The change is only in case you have 100KEur
2. The price they are giving is too low.

Therefore I think I will keep them.



Bos 4 Mod
Zorba, I have some 854, but I have some doubts:

1. Next 2nd of July they pay coupon.
2. The change is only in case you have 100KEur
2. The price they are giving is too low.

Therefore I think I will keep them.


I am quite digusted by these offers restricted to 100k or more. I also believe that the price is too low. However you should consider if this is the first sign that the bank is experiencing some kind of weakness.

Bank of Ireland made a voluntary tender last year at similar prices and I immagine you know the story...

Just food for thoughts.
Ultima modifica:


Nuovo forumer

I will write in spanish, maybe easier to understand to everybody.
Nosotros no podemos entrar a la oferta ya que no tenemos 100KEur. Luego tenemos tres posibilidades:
1. Vender a 52.
2. Comprar hasta 100K a 52.
3. Quedarnos.

Seamos positivos, si cambia mucha gente el banco se hace más fuerte. Es cierto el asunto del Bank of Ireland, pero por el contrario también es cierto el asunto del Commerzbank, que también hizo oferta mucho más baja de lo que se ha podido vender después.

Creo que si pagará cupón el día 2 de Julio, ¿ puedes confirmarlo ?
Yo me quedo y no vendo.


Forumer storico
Oggi con IW ho venduto un cip di Monte Paschi xs0121342827 a 99,65 per fare cassa e ho preso B.P. Milano xs0372300227 a 96. Fatto anche arbitraggio tra le due LT 2 Banco Popolare 6% vs 6,375%, oltre 2 punti
PS Non ho fatto il calcolo di quanto avrei dovuto pagare in più con una eventuale imposta di bollo pari allo 0,15% sulle transazioni finanziarie
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