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quando la sterla vale un po di piu di 2000 lire non mi sembra sbagliato

tale occasione viene fuori proprio perche' il mercato della sterla causa deprezzamento degli ultimi anni, e' trascurato in euro ormai il mercato e' vicino alla perfezione dei prezzi (escluso il BACA)

poi, come sempre, andra' a finire come AUD che dopo un rally del 30% la gente cerca carta in AUD e quello e' il momento di servirla ossia quando avrai capital gain sulla valuta + il bond che sale perche' tutti vogliono esposizione in sterla


tanto oramai sull'euro subs non c'e' piu niente capital gain ma solo cedole

ovviamente e' una call

Dal punto di vista Valute sono completamente ignorante,quindi mi fido di te,quando dici che è un buon momento x investire in £
Mi leggerò il Prospetto x benino.;)


BAWAG fan club
Sterling divides.
Buy pounds! says investment bank Goldman Sachs, advising traders to bet on a rise in the UK currency to $1.70. “Sterling crisis!†warns the Confederation of British Industry and, separately, Sir Howard Davies, the former head of the UK Financial Services Authority. Meanwhile, Ernst & Young’s Item Club forecasts a less catchy “pound/euro parity†that could last five years. Such is the volatility of the foreign exchange market, all three views may be right. But the medium-term trend is likely to be for pound weakness – and with a considerable risk of a Reykjavik-type currency crisis. At present, the market is mostly negative yet sterling is up. Traders held record bets against the pound as of October 13, according to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. But any market characterised by extreme short-selling is liable to bounce. This probably explains the pound’s leap from lows of $1.57 to $1.64 late last week. A painful squeeze on traders’ shorts may have been triggered by a surprisingly low increase in the ranks of the British unemployed, and by comments from Paul Fisher of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee suggesting quantitative easing might not be extended. But over time the pound’s fate will be determined not by trading volatility but by the UK’s profound fundamentals, which remain frail. The worry is that extreme stimulus may merely have delayed the necessary rebalancing of the economy. Consumer spending, car sales, employment, property prices – all have been bolstered by fiscal stimulus. Even the revival in London luxury property reflects the government’s bank rescue act. But self-sustaining growth still looks elusive and the government’s finances are now alarmingly short. Debt cannot be run up for long at the current pace, or crisis will certainly ensue. The finance- and house price-led growth the UK once enjoyed must be substituted by something more durable than unaffordable stimulus. Mervyn King, the BoE’s governor, has repeatedly mentioned sterling’s role. Exports need to rise; tourists need to find the UK cheaper. The painful path for Britons is to become a bit poorer and more competitive. A cheap pound will be part of that. [email protected]


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Domanda : è possibile sapere il prezzo corrente denaro lettera dell'ultima perpetuals di intesa ? la XS0456541506 ?

E' sempre sopra i 104 reali o si risparmia qualche cosa nell'acquistarla. magari non dallo stesso emittente, ma altrove....

Saluti e ringraziamenti in anticipo



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stavo giusto cercando il BBSW per la Rabobank in AUD di cui parlavate oggi ed ho trovato questo :
Aussie Stock Forums - Australian Stock Market Discussion Forums

Invece per il BBSW (vedi prospetto) :


ciao solenoide
ho provato ad acquistare la rabo in aud
non ci sono scambi ne lettera ne denaro,,,,
hanno fatto una prova a 85 ma niente...
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