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Vorrei chiedere l'aiuto sul seguente.
Sono in possesso di queste obbligazioni perpetue che ho acquistato tempo fa pagando anche il rateo.
AIB XS0120950158
EUROHYPO XS0169058012
RBS XS0205935470
Gli emittenti hanno congelato il pagamento delle cedole.
Visto che non sono a conoscenza delle caratteristiche di queste obbligazioni mi sarebbe utile di sapere quali di queste sono cumulative e che nel futuro verranno pagate le cedole arettrate.
Vorrei chiedere anche l'opinione sè è meglio tenerli oppure venderle.
Grazie per l'aiuto

La Rbs Non Cum
EUR 1,250,000,000 51/2 per cent. Non-cumulative preferred securities Series 1

Eurypo Non Cum

Quindi se Non pagano sono perse,io terrei tutto a questo punto,cè molta confusione sulla regolamentazione P,può essere che in un futuro prossimo possano essere Opati o Opsati

Aib Cumulativa


Forumer storico
Ciao a tutti , qualcuno sa dirmi la quotazione odierna di BPVN XS0304963290
sui vari siti non riesco a trovarla.



Forumer attivo
La Rbs Non Cum
EUR 1,250,000,000 51/2 per cent. Non-cumulative preferred securities Series 1

Eurypo Non Cum

Quindi se Non pagano sono perse,io terrei tutto a questo punto,cè molta confusione sulla regolamentazione P,può essere che in un futuro prossimo possano essere Opati o Opsati

Aib Cumulativa
Grazie mille


Forumer storico
acusate vi risulta veramente che la
Allianz SE - XS0187162325 sia crollata a 82-84??? non era a più di 90?
se è cumulativa c'è da farci un pensierino?


Forumer storico
acusate vi risulta veramente che la
Allianz SE - XS0187162325 sia crollata a 82-84??? non era a più di 90?
se è cumulativa c'è da farci un pensierino?
a francoforte 92,75 - 93 On last volume: 5'000 (12:37:27)


Forumer attivo
Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Fitch Ratings said it may cut its
ranking on some subordinated notes and preferred shares by at
least one step as part of proposed changes to its ratings of
hybrid securities.
New guidelines due this month are expected to result in a
one-step downgrade of the ratings of many “performing”
hybrids, loss absorbing securities that rank after senior debt
for repayment, which take losses before senior debt, Fitch said
in a statement today. Hybrids with greater loss-absorption
provisions may be lowered by two levels or more, Fitch said.
Fitch, with headquarters in New York and London, is among
rating companies reviewing their rankings of subordinated debt
and preferred shares sold primarily by financial companies.
Moody’s Investors Service said in November it’s reviewing
ratings on $450 billion of hybrid and subordinated notes.
The proposed guidelines have been “influenced by the
experience gained from observing the events of the past two
years, a period of financial distress for many hybrid issuers in
the financial institutions sector,” Fitch said.
Fitch expects to announce an updated policy by Dec. 30.
Hybrid securities are different from other debt instruments in
that they absorb losses without triggering a default or
affecting senior obligations.


Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Fitch Ratings said it may cut its
ranking on some subordinated notes and preferred shares by at
least one step as part of proposed changes to its ratings of
hybrid securities.
New guidelines due this month are expected to result in a
one-step downgrade of the ratings of many “performing”
hybrids, loss absorbing securities that rank after senior debt
for repayment, which take losses before senior debt, Fitch said
in a statement today. Hybrids with greater loss-absorption
provisions may be lowered by two levels or more, Fitch said.
Fitch, with headquarters in New York and London, is among
rating companies reviewing their rankings of subordinated debt
and preferred shares sold primarily by financial companies.
Moody’s Investors Service said in November it’s reviewing
ratings on $450 billion of hybrid and subordinated notes.
The proposed guidelines have been “influenced by the
experience gained from observing the events of the past two
years, a period of financial distress for many hybrid issuers in
the financial institutions sector,” Fitch said.
Fitch expects to announce an updated policy by Dec. 30.
Hybrid securities are different from other debt instruments in
that they absorb losses without triggering a default or
affecting senior obligations.

:lol::lol::lol: Cioè loro dovrebbero mettere in guardia prima e invece cambiano i rating dopo gli avvenimenti degli ultimi 2 anni.............SENZA PAROLE
Le società di rating dovrebbero essere profondamente riviste altro che AAA e BBB+ a loro il rating non lo dà Nessuno??:rolleyes:
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