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The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just quietly published new data that reveals a staggering 99% of reported "Covid deaths" were not actually caused by the virus.
Fare sport fa male
Farlo a lvl agonistico fa malissimo...
quasi come mangiare pizza, panini al salame, sushi, stare al caldo, stare al freddo, dormire troppo, dormire poco, emozionarsi...
Fare sport fa male
Farlo a lvl agonistico fa malissimo...
quasi come mangiare pizza, panini al salame, sushi, stare al caldo, stare al freddo, dormire troppo, dormire poco, emozionarsi...
Neurologists in Brazil affiliated with hospitals in both the States of Paraiba and Paraná present two case series involving demyelinating syndromes in previously asymptomatic patients. The triggering factor in both cases was vaccination against COVID-19 with mRNA vaccines. Published in the...
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just quietly published new data that reveals a staggering 99% of reported "Covid deaths" were not actually caused by the virus.