Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 1

probabilità recovery

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8k per i miei figli .. dei btp non mi fido (ora ce li hanno e sono a +300 euro e vorrei scaricarli) .. azionario non voglio rischiare con i loro soldi ...... depositi vincolati non mi piaciono tanto per il poco rendimento rispetto a ciò che si trova .... siccome sicuramente da qui a 15 non ne avranno bisogno ...... qualche mercato emergente con alta cedola ...... Voi che ne dite? cosa mi consigliate?

Se è per i figli io ci farei attenzione.
Sulla "spazzatura" bisogna diversificare molto, prima o poi aspettati un default, e su ogni titolo non mettere più del 5% del tuo portafoglio.
I depositi è vero che rendono poco ma ricorda sempre che ad un rendimento piu alto è associato un rischio più alto....nessuno regala nulla.
Direi che la via di mezzo tra depositi vincolati e junk bond visto che è per i figli potresti pensare a dei btp indicizzati all'inflazione.....Io sarei sereno anche con una ventina di junk bond o comunque corporate vicini al livello junk (guarda come si è mossa Pegeout o Olivelli al 2033 piuttosto che l'Argentina derivante da swap al 2038). Sulle prime due sono tornato in pari ma guarda quanto erano scese mentre l'Argentina ce l'ho in carico a 36 e siamo solo a 30 dopo essere scesa fino a 25. Ci vuole un cuore forte...


Se è per i figli io ci farei attenzione.
Sulla "spazzatura" bisogna diversificare molto, prima o poi aspettati un default, e su ogni titolo non mettere più del 5% del tuo portafoglio.
I depositi è vero che rendono poco ma ricorda sempre che ad un rendimento piu alto è associato un rischio più alto....nessuno regala nulla.
Direi che la via di mezzo tra depositi vincolati e junk bond visto che è per i figli potresti pensare a dei btp indicizzati all'inflazione.....Io sarei sereno anche con una ventina di junk bond o comunque corporate vicini al livello junk (guarda come si è mossa Pegeout o Olivelli al 2033 piuttosto che l'Argentina derivante da swap al 2038). Sulle prime due sono tornato in pari ma guarda quanto erano scese mentre l'Argentina ce l'ho in carico a 36 e siamo solo a 30 dopo essere scesa fino a 25. Ci vuole un cuore forte...



Infatti prevedevo di investirli nel nuovo btp italia indicizzato all'inflazione italiana cn durata 4 anni.
Infatti prevedevo di investirli nel nuovo btp italia indicizzato all'inflazione italiana cn durata 4 anni.

o se cerchi qualcosa di emergente, visto che hai postato in questa discussione, potresti fare un fondo obbligazionario sui paesi emergenti, anche con la cifra che hai postato avresti ottenuto la diversificazione.
Ce ne sono in titoli di stato o in corporate, puoi anche scegliere se farlo in € o $ o lasciarlo in valute locali.
Vedi chi non ti fà pagare le commissioni di ingresso o fai un Etf.
Venezuela says gas project output to begin in December


By Marianna Parraga
GUIRIA, Venezuela | Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:29pm EDT

(Reuters) - Venezuela's Mariscal Sucre offshore gas project will begin production in December after years of delays and difficulties in attracting foreign partners, the South American country's energy minister said.
President Hugo Chavez's government wants to develop natural gas production to meet growing domestic demand that has forced Venezuela, despite sitting on some of the world's biggest gas reserves, to import supplies from neighboring Colombia.
Electricity shortages caused widespread rationing and curbed economic growth in 2010, and are a still a burning political issue for the socialist Chavez during an election year.
Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez said initial output from Mariscal Sucre would be 300 million cubic feet a day, eventually rising to 1.2 billion cubic feet per day. The project's total reserves are estimated at 14.7 trillion cubic feet (tcf).
"We can't be waiting for partners. There is demand for gas that we have to meet," Ramirez told reporters on Friday during a trip to the project in the Caribbean sea.
Mariscal Sucre's development has been delayed in part because of the sinking of a $200 million exploration rig there in May 2010. Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA has insisted that any potential investor assume part of what it says was a total loss of more than $600 million from that disaster.
Total investment needs for the project are estimated at more than $14 billion.
Separately, Italy's ENI and Spain's Repsol have signed a deal with PDVSA to develop the Perla field, where the Europeans have certified more than 15 tcf.
Venezuela's natural gas projects have languished for years, stalled by pricing issues and industry fears of expropriations that made it hard for PDVSA to attract experienced partners.
The government says it will eventually certify as much as 400 tcf in reserves, up from 195 tcf now, which would propel Venezuela to fourth in the world behind Russia, Iran and Qatar, according to U.S. Energy Information Administration data.
(The story is refiled to correct spelling of dateline to GUIRIA, not LA GUIRA)
(Writing by Daniel Wallis; Editing by Vicki Allen)
Venezuela, l'opposizione: 200mila dollari al giorno per le cure di Chavez

CARACAS, 01 APR – Superano i 200mila dollari al giorno le spese sostenute dal presidente del Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, per curarsi da un tumore a Cuba. Lo sostiene l'opposizione al governo del leader bolivariano, che a partire da oggi comincia una nuova sessione di radioterapia all'Avana. Secondo il deputato dell'opposizione, Carlos Berrizbeitia, lo Stato venezuelano paga tra i 200mila e i 300mila dollari al giorno per assicurare il trattamento sull'isola caraibica a Chavez. A questo si aggiungono i costi per la delegazione che lo accompagna, formata da oltre 200 persone – afferma il parlamentare – tra assessori, giornalisti, ministri, familiari e militari.

''Chavez deve spiegare perche' non ha delegato temporaneamente i poteri e perche' sta usando questa immensa quantita' di denaro in qualcosa di inutile e che, oltretutto, e' incostituzionale'', ha detto Berrizbeitia alla stampa locale. ''Non stiamo criticando le spese sostenute per la malattia – ha aggiunto il deputato – ma quelle derivanti dal fatto di governare dall'Avana''. Da quando ha iniziato le cure, Chavez ha gia' passato complessivamente 74 giorni a Cuba.
Fitch Ratings has affirmed Venezuela's ratings as follows:

--Foreign and Local Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) at 'B+';

--Short-term IDR at 'B';

--Country Ceiling at 'B+'.

The Rating Outlooks on the Long-term IDRs have been revised to Negative from Stable.

The revision of the Outlook to Negative reflects Venezuela's weakening policy framework, which has resulted in increased vulnerability to commodity price shocks and deterioration in fiscal and external credit metrics as well as rising political uncertainty related to the 2012 electoral cycle.

Venezuela's ratings are presently supported by its manageable debt-service profile and relative financing flexibility. The current environment of high oil prices reduces the probability of near-term financing stress. In addition to international reserves, the sovereign held approximately USD18.8 billion (19.4% of CXR) in liquid FC assets in at the end of 2011.

'An exchange rate regime that leads to macroeconomic distortions and rising FC indebtedness, a markedly expansionary fiscal policy and the transfer of the country's oil-windfall to opaque off-budget funds have weakened Venezuela's external and fiscal credit metrics as well as increased its dependence on high oil prices,' said Erich Arispe, Director in Fitch's Sovereign Group.

While considerable resources in terms of international reserves, proceeds from bilateral borrowing and oil-derived revenues have been directed to discretionary off-budget mechanisms such as the National Development Fund (Fonden), the available information to assess the flows, administration and use of assets diverted to this parallel fiscal structure is limited.

As a result, external liquidity and the sovereign's net external position have deteriorated vis-a-vis peers in the 'B' category and oil exporters in spite of large current account surpluses in recent years. The sovereign has turned into a net external debtor from a creditor position a few years ago. In addition, the rising importance of gold as part of international reserves, 66.7% at the end of 2011, further increase the country's vulnerability to commodity price shocks.

The risk for political and social instability remains present due to the high concentration of power in the hands of the president, weak institutional framework and the high degree of political polarization in Venezuela. The likelihood of a close presidential election and concerns about the President Chavez health add further uncertainty to the political environment.

After three years of recession, growth has recovered due to a vigorous fiscal stimulus. According to Fitch, Venezuela could expand by 5.1% in 2012. 'The economy is unlikely to retain momentum over the medium term in the absence of policies that lead to increased private investment, improved competitiveness of the non-oil economy and reduced macroeconomic distortions such as real exchange rate overvaluation and high inflation,' said Arispe.

Fitch estimates that election-related spending could push the central government deficit to 6.8% of GDP, thus leading to further debt build up. While government debt levels (25.2% of GDP in 2011) and amortizations remain lower than peers, interest payments, measured in terms of revenues, have risen relatively to peers due to fast paced debt growth and higher borrowing costs in spite of high oil prices.

An oil price shock and the continuation of policies that lead to further deterioration of Venezuela's external and fiscal credit metrics would be negative for Venezuela's ratings. Fitch would also view negatively significant increase in social and political instability. On the contrary, policy adjustments that result in reduced macroeconomic distortions, higher growth, strengthening and greater transparency of fiscal and external accounts could stabilize the rating.

Additional information is available at 'www.fitchratings.com'. The ratings above were solicited by, or on behalf of, the issuer, and therefore, Fitch has been compensated for the provision of the ratings.
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