VENEZUELA & Petroleos de Venezuela Cap. 3

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New York state's top court on Tuesday ruled that Venezuelan law governs whether bonds issued by state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) are valid, but left the decision over whether the bonds should be deemed invalid up to federal courts.
The New York State Court of Appeals took up the question after Venezuela's opposition - which has controlled PDVSA's U.S. assets, including refiner Citgo Petroleum, since 2019 - argued that PDVSA's bonds maturing in 2020 had not been approved by Venezuela's National Assembly and thus were invalid.
The bonds are backed by a 50.1% stake in Citgo Holding, a Delaware-registered entity through which PDVSA owns Citgo.
The bondholders' trustee and collateral agent, MUFG Union Bank and GLAS Americas, countered that the contention that the bonds were illegal under Venezuelan law has no bearing in New York, where they were issued.
A decision invalidating the bonds would be a boost to the opposition's efforts to prevent creditors from seizing control of Citgo, Venezuela's crown jewel overseas asset.
U.S. District Judge Katherine Polk Failla initially sided with the bondholders. But the Manhattan-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals later said a section of New York state's commercial code could be interpreted as implying that the validity of a security such as a bond is determined by the local law of the jurisdiction where it is issued.
That court asked the Court of Appeals to consider the question.
In its decision on Tuesday, the Court of Appeals wrote that certain provisions of Venezuela's constitution were relevant to the validity of the securities, but that the application of Venezuelan law had to be "narrowly confined."
"None of this is to say that plaintiffs will ultimately be victorious," the court wrote, referring to PDVSA.
The court said the question of whether the 2020 notes were invalid "is an issue that we must leave for the federal courts to determine." (RTRS)

Bonds from state-owned Petroleos de Venezuela SA collapsed after New York State’s top court ruled Venezuelan law will determine whether the debt is valid.
The 2020 notes extended losses Wednesday, adding to a 17-cent drop over the past two days, according to traders who asked for anonymity as they are not authorized to speak about the securities. They are trading around 72 cents on the dollar. (BBG)
in pratica la corte suprema se ne lava le mani e lascia ai tribunali federali la decisione, siamo all'assurdo visto che la CS non solo è l'organo al vertice del potere giudiziario, ma è unica per tutti gli USA, mentre i tribunali federali sono autonomi per ogni stato della federazione
Colombian Congress suspends discussion of Venezuelan investment treaty until Machado electoral situation resolved. Pdvsa 20-20 bonds fall further to 74-76 this morning
A cucci e spintoni si va avanti. La voglia di togliere le sanzioni é forte, bisognerebbe che Maduro dia una parvenza di democrazia alle prossime elezioni per smuovere davvero i prezzi dei tds.
titoli di stato venezuelani stanno tornando nel Chase, una mossa che probabilmente aumenterà la domanda di obbligazioni tra i gestori di fondi che utilizzano i benchmark ampiamente seguiti dalla banca.

JP Morgan

JPMorgan ha dichiarato giovedì che riporterà il debito pubblico venezuelano nell'indice di punta dei mercati emergenti della banca, l'EMBI Global Diversified Index, così come in uno dei suoi altri parametri di riferimento, l'EMBI Global Index. Le obbligazioni, compreso il debito sovrano venezuelano e i debiti emessi dal colosso petrolifero statale Petróleos de Venezuela, sono state rimosse dagli indici JPMorgan nel 2019 dopo che gli Stati Uniti hanno vietato agli investitori americani di acquistare obbligazioni venezuelane......
El gobierno de Nicolás Maduro en Venezuela lanzó un plan para cobrar viejas deudas del programa de subsidio petrolero Petrocaribe. El mes pasado, recibió un pago de US$500 millones de Haití de una deuda de US$2.300 millones

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