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Lufthansa investors back $10 bln German government rescue
LONDON, June 25 (Reuters) - Lufthansa shareholders on Thursday backed a 9 billion euro ($10 billion) government bailout, securing the future of Germany's flagship airline after it was brought to the brink of collapse by the COVID-19 pandemic. The plan, backed by 98% of the shareholder capital that cast a vote at the online meeting, will see Berlin take a 20% stake in Lufthansa and two board seats. (Reporting by Ilona Wissenbach and Ludwig Burger; Editing by Edmund Blair)(([email protected]; +49 69 7565 1311; Reuters Messaging: [email protected]))
Lufthansa investors back $10 bln German government rescue
LONDON, June 25 (Reuters) - Lufthansa shareholders on Thursday backed a 9 billion euro ($10 billion) government bailout, securing the future of Germany's flagship airline after it was brought to the brink of collapse by the COVID-19 pandemic. The plan, backed by 98% of the shareholder capital that cast a vote at the online meeting, will see Berlin take a 20% stake in Lufthansa and two board seats. (Reporting by Ilona Wissenbach and Ludwig Burger; Editing by Edmund Blair)(([email protected]; +49 69 7565 1311; Reuters Messaging: [email protected]))
The U.S. saw a record number of new coronavirus cases in a single day, with 45,557 diagnoses reported Wednesday. This tops the previous record daily count by more than 9,000 cases. CNBC