ETF crude oil

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giorno dopo giorno il lev sale e lo short va giu'! ho una leggera esposizione shirt aperta fin da prima della crisi libica, ormai la tengo li e quasi quasi nn mi spiacerebbe vedere l oil a 120 130 per incrementarla a cuor leggero

Oil Declines First Time in Three Days; Goldman Raises Brent Price Forecast
By Sherry Su - Mar 8, 2011 2
Oil declined for the first time in three days, retreating from a 29-month high, as members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries discussed whether to hold a special meeting on a production increase.
Crude slipped as Kuwait’s oil minister said OPEC members are considering whether to convene an “urgent meeting” to determine whether more output is needed. Futures trimmed earlier losses after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Bank of America Merrill Lynch raised their oil-price forecasts.
The market “is adjusting back to previous levels, showing increased supply is priced in,” said Alexander Ridgers, head of commodities at London-based CMC Markets. “It’s not easily swayed unless facts come to light fast.”
Oil for April delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange fell as much as $2.11, or 2 percent, to $103.33 a barrel and was at $105.31 at 1:28 p.m. London time. The price has risen 21 percent in the past month and reached $106.95 yesterday, the highest since Sept. 26, 2008. Brent crude for April settlement was down $1.04 at $114 a barrel after falling as much as $2.25 to $112.79 on the ICE Futures Europe exchange in London.
Kuwait’s oil minister told reporters in Kuwait City today that OPEC Secretary General Abdulla El-Badri is contacting members to see whether a meeting on production levels is needed.
“I’ve talked to Abdulla El-Badri in this regard and he is calling everybody and making a consensus on whether we’ll need an OPEC meeting, an urgent meeting,” Sheikh Ahmad al-Abdullah al-Sabah said. “We have to find out at the meeting whether there is a need for an increase or not.”

Light Sweet Crude
Violence in Libya, Africa’s third-largest crude producer, has cut output by as much as 1 million barrels a day, according to the International Energy Agency. The North African country pumped 1.39 million barrels a day in February, down from 1.59 million the previous month, according to Bloomberg estimates.
Vienna-based researcher JBC Energy GmbH estimated Libya accounts for 8.8 percents of total global production of light, sweet crude, or crude oil with low density and sulfur content. This type of crude yields more lucrative fuels such as gasoline and diesel when processed.
“The loss of Libyan light, sweet crude poses a threat to profitability of Europe’s already troubled refining industry,” JBC said today in an e-mailed note. “This is due to the fact that refineries rely heavily on high-quality crudes to produce value-added products and minimize expensive processing.”

Little Supply Effect
Some OPEC members and producers outside the group have made up for the reduction in crude shipments from Libya, Qatari Energy Minister Mohammed Saleh al Sada said today.
“There was hardly any effect” on supply because of the Libyan unrest, he said at a conference in Doha.
The group’s next formal meeting is scheduled for June 8 in Vienna. Most OPEC members were already producing more than their individual quotas before the Libyan unrest.
Libya’s government denied holding talks with rebels in the North African nation, Al Arabiya television reported today, without saying where it obtained the information.
Libyan rebel fighters prepared an offensive to regain a town lost to Muammar Qaddafi’s forces as the U.S. and its allies stepped up the debate on imposing a no-fly zone that might help the insurgents win the civil war.
Demonstrations have toppled leaders in Tunisia and Egypt and there have been protests in countries including Iran, Yemen and Oman. In Saudi Arabia, OPEC’s biggest producer, websites have called for a nationwide “Day of Rage” on March 11 and March 20, according to Human Rights Watch.
If the Saudi government “takes a very tough line with the demonstrators, it could produce some headline risk in the market, even if no oil production is placed at risk,” analysts led by Helima Croft at Barclays Capital said in a note.

Price Forecasts Raised
Goldman Sachs raised its second-quarter outlook for Brent crude by $4.50 to $105 a barrel, citing estimates that spare capacity in OPEC has dropped below 2 million barrels a day, according to a report dated yesterday. Bank of America Merrill Lynch increased its Brent crude price forecast for this year to $108 a barrel from $88 and for next year to $95 a barrel from $85, the bank said in a note today.
An Energy Department report tomorrow will probably show U.S. gasoline inventories dropped 2 million barrels from 234.7 million, according to the Bloomberg News survey. It would be a third week of declines.
U.S. crude stockpiles increased in six of the last seven weeks, according to government data. Inventories probably rose 1 million barrels last week from 346.4 million in the previous period, according to the survey. Five of the analysts anticipated a gain and four projected a decline.
10:35 am (Washington time): Overnight news that OPEC has plans for production increases sent oil down to $103.33 per barrel, but the commodity rebounded so that it traded with a narrow gain in the first few minutes of pit trade. Even though CNBC reported that OPEC currently has no plans for an extraordinary meeting, a recent spell of selling knocked oil prices down to about $104 per barrel. The commodity has since recovered to $104.50 per barrel so that its loss is now 0.9%.

Oil Rises in New York as Libyan Violence Intensifies, Refinery is Bombed
By Ben Sharples and Christian Schmollinger - Mar 10, 2011

Oil climbed in New York for the first time in three days as escalating violence in Libya, Africa’s third-largest producer, renewed concern that supply disruptions may spread to the Middle East.
Futures rose as much as 0.6 percent as fighting shut Libya’s biggest oil refinery. Violence has cut exports by two- thirds, according to the International Energy Agency. Brent futures in London advanced for a second day as forces loyal to Muammar Qaddafi attacked oil facilities. In Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest exporter, websites have called for a “Day of Rage” tomorrow, New York-based Human Rights Watch said.
“Reports are showing the fighting in Libya is escalating,” Serene Lim, an energy and commodity strategist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. in Singapore, said by telephone today. “Every threat of further unrest will definitely support prices.”
Crude for April delivery gained as much as 59 cents to $104.97 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. It was at $104.79 at 2:27 p.m. Singapore time. Yesterday, the contract dropped 64 cents to $104.38. Prices are 28 percent higher than a year earlier.
Brent crude for April settlement added as much as 61 cents, or 0.5 percent, to $116.55 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. Yesterday, it advanced $2.88, or 2.6 percent, to $115.94, after Bank of America Merrill Lynch said prices could surge above $140 in the second quarter.

Libya Violence
The violence has cut output in Libya by as much as 1 million barrels a day, according to the IEA. The North African country pumped 1.39 million barrels a day in February, down from 1.59 million the previous month, based on Bloomberg estimates.
Warplanes sent from Qaddafi’s home region of Sirte struck the Ras Lanuf refinery, the country’s largest crude-processing plant, Al Jazeera television said. The nation’s biggest oil terminal, at the port of Sidra, was hit and part was in flames, Al Jazeera said.
Demonstrations have toppled leaders in Tunisia and Egypt, and protests have erupted in energy-exporting countries including Iran, Oman and Yemen. Oil surged to a record $147.27 a barrel on July 11, 2008, before plunging 78 percent in the next five months to a low of $32.40 as the financial crisis unfolded.

Product Prices
Saudi Arabia is capable of providing additional oil output if needed to counter supply disruptions caused by the unrest in the Middle East, James Smith, U.S. ambassador to the kingdom, said in an Bloomberg Television interview on “InBusiness with Margaret Brennan.” The kingdom has increased oil production by 1 million barrels a day and has the capacity to pump another 3.5 million, Smith said.
Crude Oil Drops as Loss of Demand in Japan Outweighs Middle East Tension
By Christian Schmollinger - Mar 15, 2011 9:53 AM GMT+0100 Tweet inShare.1More

Oil fell in New York as concern damage from Japan’s earthquake will limit crude demand outweighed speculation that escalating tension in the Middle East will disrupt supplies.
Prices slid as much as 2.5 percent as factories and power plants remained shut in Japan following the March 11 temblor, the largest recorded in the country. About 29 percent of the refinery capacity in the nation, the world’s third-largest crude user, was closed after the disaster.
“For the time being the refinery demand remains off, so that will impact the oil price,” said Tetsu Emori, a commodity fund manager with Astmax Ltd. in Tokyo. “It might take half a year to sort out the damage.”
Crude oil for April delivery dropped as much as $2.52 to $98.67 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, and was at $99.70 at 4:46 p.m. Singapore time. Yesterday, the contract advanced 3 cents to $101.19.
Brent oil for April settlement fell as much as 2.2 percent to $111.19 a barrel and was trading at $112.39 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. The contract slid 17 cents, or 0.2 percent, to $113.67 yesterday.
Oil rose as much as 0.7 percent earlier today in New York after Saudi Arabia’s cabinet said the kingdom has responded to a Bahraini request for “support” amid civil unrest.
Regional turmoil has toppled the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt and reached Yemen, Oman and Iran. Violence in Libya, which cut two-thirds of the nations crude production, continued as forces loyal to leader Muammar Qaddafi carried out air strikes against rebels in the town of Ajdabiya.

Saudi Soldiers
“The Saudis will not accept any sort of disruption in the nearby countries,” said Emori. “They have to stop this from happening so that’s why they are sending soldiers.”
Futures have surged 9 percent in New York since Jan. 14, when the president of Tunisia was ousted. Prices climbed to a 29-month high of $106.95 a barrel in intraday trading March 7.
Gasoline fell as much as 4.1 percent to $2.8393 a gallon in New York, the biggest intraday drop since Oct. 19, 2010. Prices are down 3 percent this week.
JX-Nippon Oil & Energy Corp. closed refineries in Sendai and Kashima in Japan’s northeastern Tohoku region. A fire at the Sendai plant was extinguished at about 2:30 p.m. local time today. The Negishi plant near Tokyo is also shuttered.
Cosmo Oil Co. shut its 220,000-barrel a day Chiba facility following fires at liquefied petroleum gas storage tanks. Kyokuto Petroleum Industries Ltd. has shuttered its 175,000- barrel a day facility in Ichihara, near the capital.
TonenGeneral Sekiyu K.K. said yesterday that it is restarting units at its 335,000-barrel a day Kawasaki plant.

Refineries Closed
The closures have affected about 1.3 million barrels of the country’s 4.52 million barrels a day of capacity, based on data from the Petroleum Association of Japan.
Japan consumed 4.42 million barrels a day of oil in 2010, according to data from the International Energy Agency’s Feb. 10 monthly Oil Market Report. China used 9.39 million barrels and the U.S. consumed 19.25 million, the agency said.
Sony Corp., the country’s biggest export of consumer electronics, stopped operations at 10 factories because of power outages and damages. Toyota Motor Corp., the world’s largest automaker, has closed all of its plants.
Stockpiles of crude oil in the U.S. probably rose 1.75 million barrels from 348.9 million in the seven days ended March 11, according to the median of estimates before an Energy Department report tomorrow.
Gasoline inventories dropped 2 million barrels from 229.2 million a week earlier, according to the survey. Stockpiles of distillate fuel, a category that includes heating oil and diesel, slipped 1.5 million barrels from 155.2 million the previous week.
The Energy Department is scheduled to release its weekly report at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow in Washington. The industry-funded American Petroleum Institute will report its own data today.
L'olio sta scendendo, ora è sotto 98$; li fattore chiusura raffinerie giappone e timori di crisi globale hanno la meglio su ridimensionamento nucleare e instabilità nord africa. Per quanto tempo? Se non si crede allo scoppio di una crisi a livello globale, se si pensa che le raffinerie riprenderanno a lavorare, si stanno crando le condizioni per andare lunghi sull'olio. Voi cosa ne pensate?
Segnali contrastanti

(ANSA) - ROMA, 15 MAR - La produzione di petrolio della Libia potrebbe essere sospesa per diversi mesi a causa dei danni agli impianti petroliferi e alle sanzioni internazionali. Lo ha reso noto l'Agenzia Internazionale dell'Energia (Aie) nel suo bollettino mensile.
15 Marzo , 16:00
ROMA, 15 MAR - Il presidente della Libyan National Oil Company, Shukri Ghanem, si è appellato ai lavoratori della società chiedendo il loro rientro al lavoro e auspicando l'aumento della produzione al più presto possibile.
Lo riferisce il quotidiano Al Quds Al Arabi precisando che a causa della rivolta , la produzione petrolifera in Libia, considerata il terzo produttore africano, è calata in modo notevole. Dopo le battaglie di ieri vicini alla città di Ajdabiya, le forze fedeli al colonnello Muammar Al Gheddafi sembrano aver ripreso il quasi totale controllo delle zone petrolifere che erano in mano ai ribelli, nota un analista citato dal giornale.(ANSAmed)

Giappone, acqua in risalita in reattore 2 Fukushima Daiichi
martedì 15 marzo 2011 17:24
La giapponeseTokyo Electric Power ha reso noto oggi che i livelli di liquido di raffreddamento nel reattore numero 2 della propria centrale nucleare di Fukushima Daiichi stanno crescendo regolarmente.
I sistemi di raffeddamento del complesso di Fukushima sono stati danneggiati dal fortissimo terremoto di venerdì scorso e del maremoto che ne è seguito, costringendo l'operatore a iniettare acqua di mare e rilasciare aria radioattiva nell'atmosfera per ridurre calore e pressione nei reattori.
Le barre di carburante del reattore numero 2 sono rimaste esposte ieri all'atmosfera, scatenando il timore di un surriscaldamento e della fusione.

BERLIN—Germany said it would shut down its seven oldest nuclear reactors during a three-month "safety review," a surprise reversal by Chancellor Angela Merkel whose government just months ago vouched for the plants' safety.
Ms. Merkel's center-right government, which already said on Monday that it would suspend a lifespan extension for country's nuclear reactors, responded to growing public unease over nuclear power amid the Japanese crisis by agreeing to shut down the oldest of those plants. The sudden shift reflects concern within Ms. Merkel's Christian Democratic party that it has been on the wrong side of an emotional political issue that analysts say could tip the balance in several upcoming regional elections.
Ms. Merkel said production at seven reactors built before 1980 will be wound down before June 15 as the government reviews a plan it set last fall to extend the life of some of the country's 17 reactors by as much as 14 years. The government said it hasn't decided whether to restart the plants after the moratorium, but given the deep public skepticism over the aging plants, bringing them back online would be extremely controversial.
"I can't make a definitive statement on life-span extensions today—we don't know what the result of our safety review will be," Ms. Merkel said after meeting with governors from the five states that are home to nuclear reactors.
IlSole24Ore 15-3-2010
Materie prime tutte in frenata
….La gravità del disastro che ha colpito il Giappone e le possibili conseguenze degli incidenti nelle centrali nucleari, tuttavia, avranno ripercussioni in qualche caso profonde e durature sulla domanda di materie prime: risorse di cui il Giappone, terza potenza economica mondiale, scarseggia, ma che importa in grandi quantità. Tokyo è al terzo posto nella classifica degli importatori di petrolio, addirittura al primo nel caso del carbone termico e del Gas naturale liquefatto (Gnl). Le sue industrie sono responsabili di circa un decimo dei consumi globali di metalli non ferrosi e le case automobilistiche, in particolare, assorbono oltre il 15% di platino e palladio, utilizzati nelle marmitte catalitiche. I giapponesi sono anche, inaspettatamente, i primi importatori mondiali di mais e tra i maggiori acquirenti di frumento e soia.

La mossa della Merkel
L'incidente nucleare in Giappone è giunto pochi mesi dopo che la Germania aveva deciso di rivedere la decisione del 2001 di chiudere le proprie centrali nucleari entro il 2020. L'anno scorso il governo democristiano-liberale della signora Merkel aveva annunciato un rinvio della chiusura di circa 10 anni. Due giorni fa, dinanzi alle notizie drammatiche provenienti dal Giappone, ha annunciato una sospensione di tre mesi di questa decisione.
Ieri, in una escalation di provvedimenti, il cancelliere ha anche precisato che «gli impianti entrati in funzione prima del 1980 saranno chiusi durante il periodo della moratoria». La Germania conta in tutto 17 centrali nucleari, di cui sette costruite tra il 1974 e il 1979.
L'energia nucleare rappresenta circa il 20% della produzione di elettricità. La chiusura dei sette reattori più vecchi - due peraltro non sono già oggi in linea - ridurrà la capacità produttiva del paese del 5%.
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