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Maybe tomorrow the/a Low is in, the Minimum-Target of the c' ob b is reached, EW-Chart to follow, the Target of the 20 of the 3pdh is reached too and watch the Spread Quot (Dax-Future ./. Euro-Bund-Future)
Maybe tomorrow the/a Low is in, the Minimum-Target of the c' ob b is reached, EW-Chart to follow, the Target of the 20 of the 3pdh is reached too and watch the Spread Quot (Dax-Future ./. Euro-Bund-Future)
Maybe tomorrow the/a Low is in, the Minimum-Target of the c' ob b is reached, EW-Chart to follow, the Target of the 20 of the 3pdh is reached too and watch the Spread Quot (Dax-Future ./. Euro-Bund-Future)
Hi X....i'm agree with you, i'm following the same pattern...
Bund for me is on the Top..........
Dax has also a technical schema H&S with the same target of the 3dph....
Piccole tendenze crescono........
...liberamente tratto dal romanzo della Alcott....
"....Quel giorno, trovandosi a passare sopra la neckettina del piccolo H&S, laggiù in fondo alla via che portava a casa March, John Brooke il precettore di Laurie, decise di andare a trovare Meg e di tornare quindi a testare 20250...."