Nella misura in cui Siryza diverrà il partito di maggioranza relativa e quindi forza di governo dovrà abbandonare il suo populismo e trasformarsi in un vero partito con proposte concrete e raggiungibili, pena il suo dissolvimento. Infatti,
"SYRIZA pretends that the euro crisis doesn't exist. They're not left-wing radicals but left-wing populists who promise to give the people what they want, namely a return to the comfortable Greece of yesterday. Zero reforms, zero plans. SYRIZA opposes the 'imposed austerity' and cites the will of the people. But that is only half the truth.
80 percent oppose austerity, but confusing as the Greeks are at the moment,
Eighty percent also want to remain in the euro.
SYRIZA said both are possible, but reality will teach it otherwise. Until then the party will have to master the transformation from protest movement to a party capable of conducting politics.
In record time."
German Press Review on Greek Plans for Second Election - SPIEGEL ONLINE