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Nuovo forumer
Took 300k WestLB XS0216711340 @39,50-40. It now looks attractive after the correction. UT2 has moved higher trough out the board in the last weeks, T1 has to follow.

I am still long-term bullish for WestLB and for now I am switching back from UT2 to T1.
[Remember that this Hybrid will pay 2x2% at the end of March and at the end of June. So clean prices are at 36 right now! WestLB T1 will gain once the news for the loss 2009 and the exact terms of the bad-banks is communicated.]


Utente Senior
Took 300k WestLB XS0216711340 @39,50-40. It now looks attractive after the correction. UT2 has moved higher trough out the board in the last weeks, T1 has to follow.

I am still long-term bullish for WestLB and for now I am switching back from UT2 to T1.
[Remember that this Hybrid will pay 2x2% at the end of March and at the end of June. So clean prices are at 36 right now! WestLB T1 will gain once the news for the loss 2009 and the exact terms of the bad-banks is communicated.]

last time you informed us that 2009 loss would have been greater than expected, and payments would have stopped at least a couple of years.
Has something changed, or is there the same rumour?


la casa non fallisce
birra e salcicce

posso dare un suggerimento
per localizzare l'indispensabile foglio di mais quando lo posta può aggiungere una parola d'ordine tipo birra e salcicce ogni volta in modo che cercando con la funzione cerca quella parola trviamo di volta in volta tutti i post con il foglio?

può essere un'idea

birra e salcicce (dal film di totò)


Forumer storico
Took 300k WestLB XS0216711340 @39,50-40. It now looks attractive after the correction. UT2 has moved higher trough out the board in the last weeks, T1 has to follow.

I am still long-term bullish for WestLB and for now I am switching back from UT2 to T1.
[Remember that this Hybrid will pay 2x2% at the end of March and at the end of June. So clean prices are at 36 right now! WestLB T1 will gain once the news for the loss 2009 and the exact terms of the bad-banks is communicated.]

Hello Dante, if you have news or want to tell us the sentiment of the sites Germans always makes us very happy.

Massimo Odiot

Giovane Povero
I am considering to sell my DB DE000A0DTY34, and the ABN XS0246487457, taking a rough 11% capital gain profit. I am waiting to be contacted by the OTC operator.
Any (good) news regarding Deutsche Post Bank? I have the DE000A0DHUM0... :sad:

Update: DE000A0DTY34 sold at 80,25; XS0246487457 sold at 59,5.
Ultima modifica:


Moving to PeloPonneso
buongiorno a tutti, sono stato un pò impegnato per lavoro negli ultimi giorni e non ho potuto leggere tutto.
tra quelli che mantengono le posizioni potete contare anche me, o meglio ho mantenuto nalterate BA-CA, aegon, abn e mi sono alleggerito di erste e RZB irs

mi stavo guardando le SNS e mi interessa la XS0310904155, cumulativa.. mi sono letto il prospetto anche perchè prima pensavo di prendere la XS0468954523 ma per un punto di YTC preferisco il paracadute della cumulativa.
ho cercato info sul loro sito e ho visto la news di fine gennaio sugli aiuti dello stato olandese, perdonatemi se la domanda è già stata fatta e me la sono persa.. pregiudicano in qualche modo il pagamento della cedola?

.. mi sto leggendo la presentazione dui primi 6 mesi 2009, core tier 1 8,2% e tier 1 10,6% in salita con limited net loss di 30m, e c'è questa frase che non sembra molto positiva: "too early to predict resumption ordinary dividend and repayment of capital securities"

OT: sono entrato, con % infinitesimali, sull'azionario, roba minuscolo tipo lo 0,5% del ptf con l'idea di accumulare pian piano

Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
Chiedo consiglio agli gli esperti del settore. Mi potete indicare 5-6 obbligazioni che abbiano queste caratteristiche:
1. call non troppo lontana ( o al max 6- 7 anni con buona probabilità che l'emittente la richiami)
2. emittente solido
3. lt2
Ad es. a me non dispiace la mps anche se è un bbb ma la call è vicina e secondo me la richiamano.
Grazie a chi mi vuole aiutare.

ps. il foglio xls con l'enorme lavoro fatto di raccolta l'ho visto, ho bisogno solo di qualche indicazione da chi è esperto del settore.


Nuovo forumer
Hello Dante, if you have news or want to tell us the sentiment of the sites Germans always makes us very happy.

Sentiment not too good. Hybrids took losses with markets going down. Some seek insurance hybrids for safety e.g. Arag.

Beside that I chose to hedge my positions and sold 4 FESX futures, 1 FDAX future and 8 FESB futures. Also, I loaded up on the various ut2 (in addition to UT2 of Commerzbank) of Commerzbank/ Eurohypo, the reason for Commerzbank being that they will avoid HGB-Losses for 2009 from "Rücklagen und Sonderposten". Eurohypo communicated that they will write down ut2, but market clearly sees that they will not be able to do so due to binding legal contracts. This issue however might not be of great importance for the time being as those ut2 are traded only in Germany.

@WESTLB last time you informed us that 2009 loss would have been greater than expected, and payments would have stopped at least a couple of years.
Has something changed, or is there the same rumour?

Same rumors. Still not clear if payments will be stopped for one or two years. But the restructuring process (selling of units, searching buyers for whole WestLB) seems to be getting faster underway than previously expected. Also, WestLB Hybrid has corrected some 10%+ which seems to much to me. At current prices this is a buy for me. Of course I will trade around as prices fluctuate for hybrids and ut2 of WestLB, but I see great value for WestLB in the future. For those that cannot trade the WestLB ut2 I would suggest a buy and hold approach as prices might should move up to the 60s once restructuring is finished.


Forumer storico
Sentiment not too good. Hybrids took losses with markets going down. Some seek insurance hybrids for safety e.g. Arag.

Beside that I chose to hedge my positions and sold 4 FESX futures, 1 FDAX future and 8 FESB futures. Also, I loaded up on the various ut2 (in addition to UT2 of Commerzbank) of Commerzbank/ Eurohypo, the reason for Commerzbank being that they will avoid HGB-Losses for 2009 from "Rücklagen und Sonderposten". Eurohypo communicated that they will write down ut2, but market clearly sees that they will not be able to do so due to binding legal contracts. This issue however might not be of great importance for the time being as those ut2 are traded only in Germany.

Same rumors. Still not clear if payments will be stopped for one or two years. But the restructuring process (selling of units, searching buyers for whole WestLB) seems to be getting faster underway than previously expected. Also, WestLB Hybrid has corrected some 10%+ which seems to much to me. At current prices this is a buy for me. Of course I will trade around as prices fluctuate for hybrids and ut2 of WestLB, but I see great value for WestLB in the future. For those that cannot trade the WestLB ut2 I would suggest a buy and hold approach as prices might should move up to the 60s once restructuring is finished.

ok ciao
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