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Swiss Life significantly increases net profit thanks to operational progress


Swiss Life increased its net profit in the first half of 2010 over the prior-year period from CHF 139 million to CHF 269 million. This improvement is mainly attributable to the significant operational progress made. The Swiss Life Group also grew its gross written premiums, policy fees and deposits received by 20% (in local currency) to CHF 12 241 million. AWD proved its renewed earning power by posting an operating profit (EBIT) of EUR 20.4 million. The Group solvency ratio advanced from 164% to 175% in the period under review. Within the framework of its Group-wide MILESTONE programme, the company achieved further cost savings, grew its share of new business generated through modern life and pensions solutions and increased its efficiency and power by implementing a series of initiatives.

Bruno Pfister, Group CEO comments: “Swiss Life performed strongly in the first half of 2010, as you can see from our net profit, the additional cost savings we realised, and our investment management activities. In addition, the improvements we achieved in client relations and distribution confirm that we have made sustainable progress in our pursuit of profitable growth. The measures introduced last year as part of our Group-wide MILESTONE programme have started to pay off.”

Increase in net profit
For the first six months of 2010, Swiss Life generated a profit from operations of CHF 415 million (HY 2009: CHF 251 million) and a net profit of CHF 269 million (HY 2009: CHF 139 million). This strong performance was mainly attributable to the operational progress made by the Group. The consistently high investment income was also a contributing factor: In Investment Management, Swiss Life achieved a net investment result of CHF 2.04 billion (HY 2009: CHF 1.98 billion) on the insurance portfolio, which corresponds to a non-annualised net investment return of 1.8% (HY 2009: 1.8%). Swiss Life will continue to pursue its 2010 objectives for the insurance portfolio and expects to achieve a net investment return of 3.6% to 3.7% for the 2010 financial year.

Operational progress in all segments
Swiss Life again generated a significantly improved segment result in Switzerland with CHF 282 million (HY 2009: CHF 193 million), largely due to further boosts in operational efficiency, strict cost discipline and the strong investment result. Swiss Life in Germany also greatly increased its segment result from CHF 31 million for the 2009 half year to CHF 64 million for the first six months of 2010, primarily due to the strong financial result and enhancements in operational efficiency. On the back of receding investment income, Swiss Life France’s segment result decreased from its half-year 2009 level of CHF 70 million to CHF 47 million. However, advancements were made in terms of operational efficiency. In the Insurance Other segment, Swiss Life recorded a positive trend, including its international business with high net worth individuals, which achieved profitability for the first time. Corporate Solutions – the global employee benefits provider – also contributed positively. However, due to the expansion of its global business and investments made in the product platform in Luxembourg, the segment posted an overall loss of CHF 6 million (HY 2009: CHF -14 million). AWD confirmed it is back on track by achieving an operating profit of EUR 20.4 million (HY 2009: EUR -10.3 million). At CHF 15 million, AWD thus strongly improved its segment result on the same period last year (CHF -28 million). Its reduced cost base and regained power helped to return it to profitability. Investment Management also grew its segment result from CHF 35 million to CHF 46 million.

Renewed strong premium growth
The Group’s premium volume rose 20% (in local currency) to CHF 12 241 million in the period under review. The performance was particularly strong in the international business with high net worth individuals, in Germany and in France. Premium volume in Switzerland remained stable. Premiums in Germany climbed 14% (in local currency) to CHF 1059 million and, in France, by 18% (in local currency) to CHF 2834 million. The Insurance Other segment, which includes the international business with high net worth individuals, almost doubled its premiums to achieve a volume of CHF 3072 million. At CHF 5285 million (HY 2009: CHF 5334 million), the company retained its high premium volume in Switzerland, thanks in part to the rise in periodic premiums for group insurance. AWD overcame the turbulent market environment to increase its sales revenues by 2% to EUR 263 million.

Solid capital base – increased solvency
Swiss Life again strengthened its capital base: Shareholders’ equity stood at CHF 7681 million at the end of the first six months of 2010 – an increase of CHF 473 million or 7% from the end of 2009. In the same period, the Group's solvency ratio rose from 164% to 175% and its assets under management totalled CHF 135 billion (up 2% on the end of 2009). Thanks to the positive course of business, the insurance reserves grew 4% (in local currency) to CHF 122 billion.

Other progress within the framework of MILESTONE

As part of its efficiency-enhancing programme MILESTONE, Swiss Life also made significant progress in the first half of 2010.

  • Already at the end of June 2010 – with 72% – the Group achieved its 2012 target to increase its share of new business through modern insurance and risk products to over 70% (HY 2009: 62%).
  • Overall, the Group reduced its costs by a further 8% on the prior-year period to CHF 767 million.
  • At the end of the 2010 first half, already around 60% of the package of measures announced last year to achieve the 2012 targeted cost savings of CHF 350 million to CHF 400 million had been executed.
  • Swiss Life is not yet on target in terms of margin management: On the back of the low interest rate environment and competitive pressure, the new business margin for the first six months of 2010 came to 0.9% – unchanged from the end of 2009. However, the company managed to offset some of the negative impacts of the low interest rates with specific measures. “Our priority is to achieve our margin targets for 2012, which is why we have launched around 30 products over the last 12 months, some of which are new and some of which are relaunches. We will continue to adopt the approach: profitability before growth”, declared Thomas Buess, Group CFO.

On track in 2010
Swiss Life confirms its objectives for 2010. Bruno Pfister: “Our first-half performance shows that we are on track with our 2012 targets. Although we face great challenges because of the low interest rate environment and tougher competition, we are confident that we will achieve our goals for 2010.”

Investors’ Day on 24 November 2010
Swiss Life will hold its Investors’ Day on 24 November. The detailed programme of events will be published on (“Shareholders & Analysts” section)
from the end of October 2010.

Transmission of today’s events and additional documentation
Today’s events will be broadcast at 9 a.m. (media presentation in German) and 11:30 a.m. (analysts’ and investors’ presentation in English) on All additional documentation on the half-year results can also be found there.

Swiss Life - News & Press Releases


Forumer storico
depfa xs0178243332 per chi ha bloomberg o chi l'ha acquistata / venduta ultimamente, chiedevo se il rateo viene calcolato nelle contabili. Grazie

Ho chiamato oggi iwBank, e quota 16-19, ma con rateo...

Ma non doveva quotare senza rateo? Sicuramente ricordo male :p
Ultima modifica:


forumer storico
Intesa XS0371711663

Comprato questa mattina a 95.25 .... sto facendo una classifica x capire se la mia banca (che procede all'acquisto per me) mi riesce a trovare dei BUONI prezzi di acquisto (come dice lei ....) , voi che ne dite ?

p.s. ho trovato un articolo che dice che il 3.37% di Intesa è dello IOR :eek: :cool: :eek: è una garanzia per me e Intesa o devo preoccuparmi ???


Forumer storico
Ho chiamato oggi iwBank, e quota 16-19, ma con rateo...

Ma non doveva quotare senza rateo? Sicuramente ricordo male :p

Su bloomberg mi è stato detto che è indicato il rateo ma potrebbe essere uno sbaglio. Io le ho acquistate un po' di tempo fà e sembra che il market maker abbia detto alla mia banca (non è iw) che non debba essere conteggiato. Aspetto di vedere la contabile corretta.


BAWAG fan club
Ho chiamato oggi iwBank, e quota 16-19, ma con rateo...

Ma non doveva quotare senza rateo? Sicuramente ricordo male :p

Mi sembra strano che quoti col rateo: sulle borse tedesche quota circa 6 punti piu' bassa vs OTC. Pensavo che la differenza fosse nel fatto che OTC quota senza e in borsa cum rateo. Altrimenti non si spiega questa differenza.

Interessa anche me la questione, pls scrivete se sapete qualcosa.


Forumer attivo
Comprato questa mattina a 95.25 .... sto facendo una classifica x capire se la mia banca (che procede all'acquisto per me) mi riesce a trovare dei BUONI prezzi di acquisto (come dice lei ....) , voi che ne dite ?

p.s. ho trovato un articolo che dice che il 3.37% di Intesa è dello IOR :eek: :cool: :eek: è una garanzia per me e Intesa o devo preoccuparmi ???

per come è andata a finire col banco ambrosiano dovresti farti il segno della croce
però sono dentro anch'io con 200k della 506 e per me sono il top di tutte le perpetuals
95,25 sembra buono, anche se stamani non c'erano offerte d'acquisto e poi bisogna anche valutare quanto paghi di commissioni


Forumer attivo
devo piazzare 50k con una perpetual
che mi dia un alto rendimento cedolare
quale secondo voi è migliore tra le due
unicredit 2019/2020 e l'intesa 506?


BAWAG fan club
devo piazzare 50k con una perpetual
che mi dia un alto rendimento cedolare
quale secondo voi è migliore tra le due
unicredit 2019/2020 e l'intesa 506?

io ho preso l' se ne hai gia' 4 UCI ("quella buona") rende di meno. Io avrei voluto almeno 3/4 di punto in piu' per prendere la UCI.


BAWAG fan club
A detta di un broker molto importante Moodys sugli ut2 non considera piu' tali subordinati post call come capitale dunque stante il fatto che Moodys da' i rating (fondamentali per GE) GE la richiamera'

By the way secondo me
1) un floater di GE che paga euribor + 200 ?? vale sui 97/98 dunque non vedo grande problema
2) avere euribor + 200 nel 2017 potrebbe anche essere una figata

la situazione e' cosi incasinata che bisogna spreddare il portafoglio su varie tipologia di tassi

Il problema dei post call e' sempre lo stesso: le call ci sono ad ogni data di pagamento successiva quindi un post call attraente non esiste per definizione, se E+200 fosse una figata GE Cap la richiamerebbe, quindi io parto sempre dal presupposto che una situazione di post call sia RELATIVAMENTE svantaggiosa, quindi preferisco premurarmi che il tasso mi soddisfi in termini ASSOLUTI, il che vuol dire uno spread aggiustato per il prezzo di almeno 500bps.

Su GE e GE Cap sono d'accordo con te pero' e' bene che si sappia quello che si compra (a te sicuramente lo e' ma non a tutti quelli che leggono), cosi' come chi compra BACA deve sapere che non sta comprando un bond garantito da Unicredito. Differenza sottile in questi gg ma non se ci fosse da ricapitalizzare BACA a suon di mld per perdite a est.

Se scende di qualche punto mi sa che lo compro anche io :up:
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