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warren baffo

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grz per le info, molto interessanti..

ci sono alcuni T1 che NON hanno nel prospetto la loss absortion..
aldila del requisito di step up dell'emissione (gia ampiamente discusso) mi domando COME possano essere considerati patrimonio di qualità bond che NON possono essere decurtati nel nominale e quindi NON possono assorbire eventuali perdite dell'emittente.

è una cosa su cui avevo riflettuto anche a settembre 2010...
ci potrebbe essere una "moral suasion" da parte delle singole autorita centrali nel "consigliare" la sostituzione di bond T1 (gia in post call, oppure non step up) che non rispettano il requisito della loss absortion?

perche, se questi T1 da prospetto non possono assorbire le perdite, secondo lo spirito di B3 non dovrebbero essere conteggiati come capitale di primaria qualità..

come dimostra boi in irlanda i prospetti non valgono più quasi nulla. loss abs è implicita e imposta dai mediocri governanti d'europa, che hanno fatto un mantra del condividere i costi/perdite col settore privato


Forumer attivo
Incrementato CA NL0000113868 pz 80,75

E' gia post call a tasso fisso. Qulacuno sa dirmi in quali occasioni al CA conviene esercitare ?


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[Reuters] INTERVIEW-No chance of private sector haircut on Irish debt-NTMA
By Carmel Crimmins DUBLIN, July 21 (Reuters) - Ireland does not need or want private investors to swallow losses on Irish debt as it would make it more difficult for Dublin to return to markets next year, the head of the country's debt management agency said on Thursday. "Ireland doesn't need and is not suggesting that there be any private sector involvement in the Irish solution," John Corrigan, the chief executive of the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA), told Reuters. "Any such involvement, would be an extremely risky path to go down." "Any such suggestion would result in a permanent elevation in our borrowing costs." Euro zone leaders are expected to agree a common position later on Thursday on a second bailout for Greece that seeks to involve a contribution by private sector investors. [ID:nL6E7IK2VL] Speculation has risen that Ireland will need a second bailout when its existing 85 billion euros rescue package from the EU and the IMF runs out in 2013 but Corrigan remains confident Dublin will be able to meet its funding needs from the markets. The NTMA is planning to issue treasury bills in the third quarter of 2012 before issuing bonds, likely in 2013.


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Amico mio forse è meglio che dai una occhiata gli USA........come anche Mais ti ha fatto notare......l

mahh, non saprei quale delle due malattie scegliere. forse una è più veloce dell altra, ma temo possano essere entrambi letali alla pari.
nel frattempo:

(Reuters) - The Federal Reserve is actively preparing for the possibility that the United States could default as a deadline for raising the government's $14.3 trillion borrowing limit looms, a top Fed policymaker said on Wednesday.


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[Reuters] INTERVIEW-No chance of private sector haircut on Irish debt-NTMA
By Carmel Crimmins DUBLIN, July 21 (Reuters) - Ireland does not need or want private investors to swallow losses on Irish debt as it would make it more difficult for Dublin to return to markets next year, the head of the country's debt management agency said on Thursday. "Ireland doesn't need and is not suggesting that there be any private sector involvement in the Irish solution," John Corrigan, the chief executive of the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA), told Reuters. "Any such involvement, would be an extremely risky path to go down." "Any such suggestion would result in a permanent elevation in our borrowing costs." Euro zone leaders are expected to agree a common position later on Thursday on a second bailout for Greece that seeks to involve a contribution by private sector investors. [ID:nL6E7IK2VL] Speculation has risen that Ireland will need a second bailout when its existing 85 billion euros rescue package from the EU and the IMF runs out in 2013 but Corrigan remains confident Dublin will be able to meet its funding needs from the markets. The NTMA is planning to issue treasury bills in the third quarter of 2012 before issuing bonds, likely in 2013.

Ammetto la mia grande ignoranza ma, quello che non mi spiego è come faccia l'Irlanda a restituire decine di Mld di €, avendo una popolazione di 3700000 circa di abitanti con le risorse di lane pregiate e attività legate alla pastorizia in genere+ le patate, barbabietole e carbone comunque limitato per le sue esigenze.
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