ex Drenaggio
Hi Drena, guys
Dax was today at his 62 % RT since the big Downer
Greetings XP
Hi X....

Thanks for your ideas...

Today i have finished the first part of my holiday and finally i'm at home....
From next week some other days of hard work and after i will be on the beach for the second part....

For now.... i have tried today to undarstand something in the situation of the markets....but at the end....all elliott count i have tried seems to me not convincing.....i think i will follow the great master (elliott) this situation i will wait the markets choose a clear way

...for the short terms.....the best council is your chart....61, short have the best probability....
In our home (italy) the situation is that the market is closing a quarterly cycle.....and that fit well with the Dax quote....
3 or 4 days left on FIB (Italian future) to close the quarterly cycle...the ending phase is confirmed by the breackdown of the montly trendline (daily trendline drawn on the closing price only) occurred friday....therefore it seems better to me to stay short next week and after we will see...

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