Obbligazioni societarie Monitor bond Telecom Europa VI (gennaio - luglio 2009)

Telecom Italia prezza bond in 2 tranche per 1,5 mld euro - lead


LONDRA, 12 marzo (Reuters) - Telecom Italia (TLIT.MI: Quotazione) ha prezzato stasera la duplice tranche della sua emissione odierna per un ammontare complessivo di 1,5 miliardi di euro.
Lo annunciano i lead manager dell'operazione BNP Paribas e Deutsche Bank.
Nel dettaglio, la tranche a quattro anni, con scadenza 21 marzo 2013, è da 650 milioni di euro ed è prezzata a 99,574; offre una cedola del 6,75% un rendimento pari a 435 punti base sul midswap.
La tranche a sette anni, con scadenza 21 marzo 2016, è da 850 milioni di euro, è stata prezzata a 99,74, offre una cedola dell'8,25% e un rendimento di 525 pb sul midswap.
Telecom Italia ha rating "BBB" da parte di Standard & Poor's e di Fitch Ratings e "Baa2" da parte di Moody's.
Telecom Italia prezza bond in 2 tranche per 1,5 mld euro - lead

LONDRA, 12 marzo (Reuters) - Telecom Italia (TLIT.MI: Quotazione) ha prezzato stasera la duplice tranche della sua emissione odierna per un ammontare complessivo di 1,5 miliardi di euro.
Lo annunciano i lead manager dell'operazione BNP Paribas e Deutsche Bank.
Nel dettaglio, la tranche a quattro anni, con scadenza 21 marzo 2013, è da 650 milioni di euro ed è prezzata a 99,574; offre una cedola del 6,75% un rendimento pari a 435 punti base sul midswap.
La tranche a sette anni, con scadenza 21 marzo 2016, è da 850 milioni di euro, è stata prezzata a 99,74, offre una cedola dell'8,25% e un rendimento di 525 pb sul midswap.
Telecom Italia ha rating "BBB" da parte di Standard & Poor's e di Fitch Ratings e "Baa2" da parte di Moody's.

Da monitorare con attenzione perchè TI stà anche facendo girare notizie positive come il non scorporo della rete.
si ma i bond sul tlx sono cari...visto che all'estero lo stesso emittente paga rendimenti tra il 7 e l'8 %

Potrebbero essere tenuti alti artificiosamente in attesa di rifinanziarsi.
Sono d'accordo con te che i prezzi sono alti, ma il mercato insegna che col tempo si riallinea tutto. Bisogna aspettare un momento di difficoltà o panico per TI per entrare. Se non ci sarà ci saranno sicuramente altri titoli interessanti.
si ma i bond sul tlx sono cari...visto che all'estero lo stesso emittente paga rendimenti tra il 7 e l'8 %

Situazione già vista con altri casi, vedi i bond bancari.

Tutto quello che può essere anche solo toccato dal retail viene fatto pagare caro. Siamo solo mucche da mungere.
Anche le banche lanciano bond sui mercati europei al 5-6% di rendimento ed a noi offrono bond che rendono il 2%.
Per gli amici investiti in bond Cell C, estraggo da un recente report di Fitch sui mercati telecom africani la descrizione del mercato sudafricano nella sua evoluzione.

La circostanza che mi è parsa interessante è quella per cui l'agenzia assume per certo che Telkom, l'ex monopolista della linea fissa, vada a proporsi come quarto operatore mobile del paese, escludendo che vi siano chance che essa acquisti Cell C (arrivata a detenere una quota pari al 10% del mercato sudafricano).

La circostanza porterà presumibilmente ad una forte crescita delle pressioni tariffarie, in quanto appare verosimile che Telkom cercherà di utilizzare la sua posizione di ex monopolista delle linea fissa e la possibilità di offrire in combinazione fisso e mobile per guadagnare rapidamente quote di mercato della telefonia mobile (parte infatti con una rete 3G che sta sviluppando, ma anche con un servizio commerciale in WiMax)

Il report di Fitch è datato 9 marzo 2009

South Africa
South Africa is the most developed telecoms market in Africa in terms of technologydeployed and services provided. South African mobile companies are now aggressively expanding into other African states and the Middle East with MTN leading the way, with over 20 operations in the region.

Incumbent Telkom is currently in the process of divesting its stake in mobile operator Vodacom to Vodafone, a transaction that will enable the fixed‐line incumbent to start its own mobile operations and provide capital to further invest in its African operations.

Fixed‐line penetration in South Africa remains low at around 10%. Despite the end of the monopoly in 2006, following the entrance of second fixed‐line operator Neotel, the incumbent Telkom continues to dominate the market.

The South African government is planning to licence a third fixed network operator in 2009 along with a fourth mobile licence that is expected to be awarded to Telkom.

Africa’ biggest mobile operator, MTN, and South Africa’ second‐largest fixed‐line operator, Neotel, have recently unveiled plans to build a 5,000km fibre‐optic cable for ZAR1.7bn (USD167m) to ZAR2bn to service the increasing bandwidth demand.

South Africa’ mobile market is one of the most developed and competitive markets in the continent. It comprises three MNOs (Vodacom, MTN and Cell C) and one MVNO player (Virgin). As of end‐3Q08, mobile penetration had reached around 100%, putting pressure on the domestic MNOs which are competing aggressively to differentiate themselves, offering innovative services.

Vodafone, through its subsidiary Vodacom, a Vodafone group joint venture with state incumbent Telkom, is the country’ market leader with 53% of mobile subscribers, while MTN trails with 36 per cent, followed by Cell C at 10%.

Given the limited growth potential of the fixed‐line market, the incumbent Telkom has decided to enter the mobile market launching its own 3G network and the first commercial WiMAX service in South Africa.

The entrance of Telkom as a fourth mobile operator is likely to upset the
market and intensify pricing competition. In addition, interconnection tariffs are expected to be reduced once Telkom completes the sale of its stake in Vodacom.

After years of stagnation primarily due to Telkom’ monopoly status and pricing control, South Africa’ internet and broadband market is starting to take off. The move towards IP‐based platforms is revolutionising both the cost and scale of services.

Wireless broadband, including 3G/HSDPA mobile data services, now
compete with available ADSL offerings. The growth of data services mainly through ADSL has been significant, despite its relatively high costs. Wider access to broadband, ADSL and 3G, have boosted internet connectivity, with the number of South African internet browsers increasing significantly to around 4.6 million.

Bandwidth capacity remains relatively limited and in response the government created InfrCo, a national infrastructure entity to provide cheap broadband capacity.

Telecoms tariffs in South Africa have been high compared with
international standards; however, recent liberalisation measures, including the legal use of VoIP along with the entrance of alternative service providers, as well as the forthcoming submarine fibre‐optic cables have paved the way for lower pricing.

Colt Telecom in creditwatch positive per effetto del lancio dell'aumento di capitale varato per fornire alla società le risorse occorrenti a ripagare a scadenza il bond che seguiamo nel monitor.

COLT Telecom Group Placed On CreditWatch Positive After Open Offer Eases Refinancing Concerns

LONDON (Standard & Poor's) March 10, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today it placed its 'B' ratings on European business telecommunications operator COLT Telecom Group Ltd. (COLT) and COLT Telecom Group S.A. on CreditWatch with positive implications, including the 'B' issue rating on COLT's €262.2 million notes due December 2009.

The CreditWatch placement follows COLT's recent announcement of a fully underwritten open equity offer of £178 million (equating to €201 million)
before costs.

"In the context of a downturn across COLT's operating markets, while we
take the view that COLT will face increasing operating pressures in 2009, this has been mitigated by the improvement in its liquidity position, alleviating refinancing risk related to the repayment of its €262.2 million senior unsecured notes due December 2009," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Helen O'Toole.

Overall, the group performed well in 2008. Revenues were stable year on
year compared with a 7% decline in 2007 and EBITDA (excluding a €17 million exceptional item) increased 9.5% to €303.9 million. This translates into an 18.1% margin. Low-margin traditional voice revenues continued to suffer from continuing fierce competition, but the rate of decline is slowing. Growth in data products, however, which account for the 55% of group revenue remains healthy, but slowed to 8.7% in 2008 compared with 9.8% in 2007. We expect slower growth in data revenues to continue in 2009.

The CreditWatch placement will likely be reassessed on March 23, 2009,
when, if successful, the newly issued equity will be placed on the London
Stock Exchange. If the open offer is successful, and all other elements
factored into the rating remain in place, the rating will likely be upgraded
by one notch. In the event that the equity offer is unsuccessful, the rating will likely be placed on CreditWatch with negative implications, indicating reduced liquidity headroom.
E' riuscita a rifinanziare il proprio debito in scadenza anche Invitel, la ex Hungarian Telephone & Cable, che ci interessa in quanto al 63% è controllata da TDC, pur non essendo previsto che la controllante offra supporto parentale sul debito (la società controllata è considerata, sotto tale profilo, "ring fenced").

Non ci avrei scommesso un soldo 3 mesi fa...

Il rating resta infimo e l'outlook passa a negativo, sull'assunto che possa pesare sulla società l'attuale situazione di crisi economica che affligge l'Ungheria in misura più sensibile di altri paesi dell'est europa e della esposizione alla svalutazione dell'HUF contro le valute in cui è denominato il debito.

Chi volesse conoscere più in dettaglio l'operazione di rifinanziamento o ricavare informazioni relative all'andamento di Invitel, le trova nel commento di S&P qui sotto.

Invitel Holdings A/S 'B' Long-Term Rating Affirmed On Successful Refinancing; Outlook Negative

FRANKFURT (Standard & Poor's) March 10, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that it had affirmed its 'B' long-term corporate credit rating on Hungary-based fixed-line telecommunications operator Invitel Holdings A/S, the successor company of Hungarian Telephone and Cable Corp., on the successful refinancing of existing €145 million senior secured facilities and a €100 million bridge loan. The outlook is negative.

At the same time, we assigned a 'B' issue rating to the company's new
€165 million senior secured term and revolving credit facilities at its
subsidiary Invitel Zrt.

The ratings on €142 million subordinated bonds and €200 million floating rate notes at Magyar Telecom B.V. were lowered to 'CCC+' from 'B-' due to an increased level of priority liabilities compared with the previous debt
structure. This was mainly a result of the company's refinancing.

"The affirmation primarily reflects the company's improved liquidity
profile after the refinancing, which was closed on March 4, 2009, and a
slightly relaxed covenant schedule under its senior secured credit
facilities," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Matthias Raab.

To protect itself against severe deterioration of the Hungarian forint
beyond Hungarian forint (HUF) 350 to the euro, we understand that Invitel has entered into several option contracts through March 31, 2010.

Furthermore, under our projections, the company is likely to generate modest positive free cash flow in 2009, mainly due to significantly lower capital expenditures and further cost-cutting efforts, which should more than offset the negative exchange rate effect on EBITDA generation.

This forecast, however, assumes that the forint/euro exchange rate averages about HUF300 to the euro in 2009 and the option contracts do not protect fully against intermediate weakening of the volatile forint from its recent level of HUF308 to the euro.

Pro forma the refinancing on March 4, 2009, the company had gross debt of €760 million on its balance sheet. Lease-adjusted total debt to third-quarter annualized recurring EBITDA was high at 5.5x (5.1x unadjusted), based on an average exchange rate of HUF291 to the euro in the year to date.

The negative outlook reflects our concerns that Invitel's operations
could be more negatively affected than we currently expect in our base case due to the current slowdown of the Hungarian economy and the impact of further adverse movements in the Hungarian forint in 2009 and beyond.

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