Obbligazioni societarie Monitor bond Telecom Europa VI (gennaio - luglio 2009)

Puntuale la conferma :

18.05.09 14:02 - Telecom I.: verso bond benchmark al 2017 da 750 mln stg
LONDRA (MF-DJ)--Telecom Italia lancera' un'emissione obbligazionaria da 750 milioni di sterline, con scadenza al 2017, a 450 punti base sopra il gilt.

Lo rivela uno dei lead manager alla Dow Jones Newswires.

Barclays, Jp Morgan Chase e Royal Bank of Scotland hanno gestito l'operazione, che dovrebbe essere prezzata nel pomeriggio di oggi.

Sull'emittente, Moody's ha il rating Baa2, Fitch e S&P il rating BBB.
Ecco i dettagli ;) :

18.05.09 17:23 - Telecom I: prezza bond 750 mln sterline al 2017 a 99,608

LONDRA (MF-DJ)--Telecom Italia ha prezzato oggi la sua emissione obbligazionaria da 750 milioni di sterline, con scadenza al 15 dicembre 2017.

Lead manager dell'operazione sono Barclays, Jp Morgan Chase e Royal Bank of Scotland.

Il bond prevede un coupon del 7,375% e uno spread di 450 punti base sopra il gilt.

Il prezzo e' stato fissato a 99,608.

Telecom Italia ha il rating Baa2 da Moody's, BBB sia da Standard & Poor's, sia da Fitch.
Ancora uno sguardo all'offerta di buyback varata da Nordic Telephone (holding di TDC) sui due bond 2016 a monitor per un controvalore complessivo di 270 mln euro.

Questa operazione viene valutata da Fitch sotto due profili: se essa costituisca un distressed exchange (e la risposta è ovviamente negativa, trattandosi di una tender offer il cui eventuale insuccesso non incide sulla viability della telecom danese né su quella della holding capogruppo) e se essa incida sui livelli di liquidità in modo tale da creare qualche rischio che questa si riveli inadeguata in prospettiva.

Anche sotto tale profilo, la risposta è negativa: é vero che, se l'operazione avesse pieno successo, in capo a Nordic si esaurirebbe del tutto la liquidità al momento in cassa (di poco superiore a quella richiesta per il buyback), mentre TDC resta con poco meno di 1 mld DKK, ma la società operativa é FCF e tale è destinata a restare per il 2009, nel 2008 ha generato FCF per 2,7 mld DKK, e non ha debiti da pagare fino al 2010, quando dovrà rimborsare una quota di finanziamento per un piccolo importo (1,4 mld DKK). C'è inoltre la famosa linea di credito in scadenza nel 2013 che ad oggi risulta del tutto inutilizzata.

Fitch conclude dunque che l'operazione non avrà alcuna conseguenza problematica sui livelli di liquidità.

Fitch fa anche il punto sul discorso del leverage, considerando anche i fattori di cui avevamo recentemente parlato circa il modo di computare e ammortare quanto speso per l'acquisizione di nuova clientela....

Fitch: No Ratings Impact from NTCH's Proposed Debt Buyback

14 May 2009 9:06 AM (EDT)

Fitch Ratings-London-14 May 2009: Fitch Ratings says today that Nordic Telephone Company Holding ApS's (NTCH) offer to buy back a portion of its fixed and floating rate senior notes, due 2016, does not constitute a coercive debt exchange and therefore has no impact on the ratings of TDC A/S (TDC, the operating subsidiary of NTCH). TDC's ratings are listed at the end of this comment.

Although the buyback proposal could result in NTCH purchasing some of the senior notes at a discount to face value, the offer is entirely optional for investors and therefore does not fulfil one of Fitch's main criteria for a coercive debt exchange, namely that it be coercive (for further information, see the 3 March 2009 comment, entitled "Coercive Debt Exchange Criteria" which is available on the agency's public website, www.fitchratings.com).

According to the Q109 financial reporting, NTCH had DKK2.1bn (EUR285m equivalent) of cash at the holding company level (DKK0.8bn at the TDC level) which would be sufficient to cover the maximum proposed repurchase amount of EUR270m.

Should the maximum purchase amount be taken up, this would leave the consolidated group with just DKK0.9bn of cash liquidity, however, the company also has a committed DKK5.2bn revolving credit facility and is expected to be FCF positive through the remainder of 2009.

The company generated DKK2.7bn of FCF in 2008 (before acquisitions and divestments). There are no further scheduled debt repayments due until 2010 (DKK1.4bn). Therefore Fitch does not consider the company's near term liquidity situation to be endangered by the proposed debt purchase.

Any senior notes repurchased by NTCH are expected to be cancelled. Given the proposed purchase price ranges and the fact that NTCH reports the mark-to-market value of its debt for tax accounting purposes, there are not expected to be any significant cash tax charges arising from the debt cancellation.

At Q109, NTCH's gross consolidated debt was DKK52.0bn (EUR6.97bn equivalent) and net consolidated debt was DKK48.9bn (EUR6.56bn equivalent).

Based on the last twelve months EBITDA of DKK15.1bn at Q109 (under the company's new reporting format which increases EBITDA through capitalisation of subscriber acquisition costs), gross leverage ahead of the proposed repurchase was 3.4x and net leverage was 3.2x.

At YE08, gross leverage was 3.8x under the new reporting format (4.3x under the previous format) and net leverage was 3.3x (3.7x). TDC's current ratings are as follows:

TDC A/S Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR): 'BB-'; Outlook Positive
TDC A/S Short-term IDR: 'B'
TDC A/S senior secured facilities: 'BB+'
TDC A/S EMTN bond programme: 'BB-'
NTCH senior notes: 'B+
Telenor nella disamina di Fitch... i problemi possono nascere dall'esposizione sui mercati emergenti e dai progetti di nuova espansione in India, oltre che dalla pluriennale disputa con Alfa group, il partner russo con cui si va avanti a carte bollate in una disputa infinita per la gestione delle joint ventures in Russia ed Ucraina, senza che tale situazione abbia esiti in qualche modo prevedibili.

Al di là delle considerazioni sulla robustezza dei risultati e sulla liquidità disponibile, va considerato che Telenor, pur non essendo entità controllata dal Governo norvegese in senso tecnico, vede lo Stato quale azionista largamente prevalente, e dunque un supporto in caso di difficoltà mi sembra nell'ordine delle cose verosimili.

Fitch Affirms Telenor's IDR at 'BBB+'; Negative Outlook

18 May 2009 4:35 AM (EDT)

Fitch Ratings-London-18 May 2009: Fitch Ratings has today affirmed the Norwegian incumbent telecoms operator Telenor's Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) and senior unsecured rating at 'BBB+' and affirmed the Short-term IDR at 'F2'. The Outlook is Negative.

The ratings reflect Telenor's leading position as a geographically diversified trans-Nordic fixed-line and mobile operator, with an attractive portfolio of mobile assets in developing markets. In addition, the ratings are supported by the group's strong liquidity position and relatively low leverage.

"The high execution risks and sizeable capital spending requirements associated with the new greenfield project in India, along with the escalation of the ongoing shareholder disputes with the Alfa Group have increased Telenor's risk profile, building negative pressure on the ratings", says Apostolos Bantis, Associate Director in Fitch's TMT Group in London. "While recent results demonstrate stabilizing trends across the Nordic mobile business and in certain assets in Asia, the group continues to derive a sizable portion of its profitability from emerging markets, making it vulnerable to the economic slowdown and currency devaluation risk".

The recent entry into the Indian market through greenfield mobile operator, Unitech Wireless, is part of the group's strategy to target growth in emerging markets. While Fitch recognises the growth potential of the Indian mobile market, it believes that Telenor's assumptions to successfully penetrate what is considered to be one of the most competitive markets with very low average revenue per user (ARPU) are overly ambitious. Management's decision to suspend dividends for 2008 and possibly in 2009 partially mitigates the impact of cash absorption; however, the sizable capex requirements of this project will strain Telenor's cash flow generation over the next few years.

The longstanding conflict between Telenor and Alfa Group, its partner in Ukraine and Russia has now reached a climax. While both Telenor and the Alfa Group agreed on dividend payments from Kyivstar for the 2004 & 2005 fiscal years, with 2006-2007 dividends expected to follow soon, the legal battle over the Russian mobile operator VimpelCom is currently in full throw. Given the complexity of these issues it is difficult to assess the outcome and in Fitch's view these issues will protract for quite some time.

Despite the challenging macroeconomic conditions, Telenor's recent operating performance proved resilient, reflecting an EBITDA inflection within its Nordic mobile operations and stabilising conditions within certain assets in Asia. Telenor is now focussed on scaling back its cost and capex levels. Management reaffirmed their FY09 guidance for organic revenue growth in line with 2008 and EBITDA margins in the range of 34% (adjusted for Kyivstar).

While according to Fitch's projections the weakening of Telenor's net leverage (defined as net debt to EBITDA) pro forma for the Indian transaction does not by itself appear to pose a threat to the ratings, the Agency remains concerned about the impact on the group's cash flow profile given the sizeable capex requirements. Any significant deviation from the company's publicly announced capital spending guidance, linked to the Indian project, that will result in negative free cash flow generation for an extended period would likely result in a downgrade.

In addition an unfavourable resolution to the shareholder disputes with the Alfa Group and a reversal of the recent stabilizing trends within the company's domestic mobile and certain Asian businesses could also have negative rating implications. The 'F2' Short-term IDR reflects Telenor's strong liquidity. While near-term maturities are high (NOK11.4bn - including debt issued by subsidiaries), access to committed facilities (NOK27bn) along with strong cash and healthy cash flow generation should adequately support Telenor's liquidity needs.

Total debt at end-Q109 stood at NOK52.7bn (EUR5.9bn), down from NOK56bn at FYE08, mainly due to favourable currency effects resulting in a net debt/LTM EBITDA of 1.4x. However, net leverage is expected to weaken in excess of 2.0x after adjusting for the Indian transaction
Ultima modifica:
Scrivi " non va considerato che Telenor, pur non essendo entità controllata dal Governo norvegese in senso tecnico, vede lo Stato quale azionista largamente prevalente, e dunque un supporto in caso di difficoltà mi sembra nell'ordine delle cose verosimili.": intendi...."non va tralasciato"? , quindi "va considerato"?
Ciao Mark! Un po' di Telenor scadenza 3 anni non dovrebbero quindi creare problemi, giusto?

Ciao Pmpm: assolutamente corretto... i 3,5 milioni di norvegesi sono letteralmente seduti su di un mare di petrolio, e la presenza dello Stato norvegese in posizione di controllo nell'azionariato di Telenor è stata giustificata in considerazione della necessità di dare sostegno all'attività di espansione internazionale.
Scrivi " non va considerato che Telenor, pur non essendo entità controllata dal Governo norvegese in senso tecnico, vede lo Stato quale azionista largamente prevalente, e dunque un supporto in caso di difficoltà mi sembra nell'ordine delle cose verosimili.": intendi...."non va tralasciato"? , quindi "va considerato"?

Sì, grazie per la segnalazione, ho corretto... :up:

Nella fretta di dare molte notizie e di accompagnarle con un minimo di spiegazione in italiano, qualche volta finisco per mangiarmi qualche parola o per fare piccoli errori di questo tipo...
Certo Mark ;) con tutto il lavorone che fai!!!!! Cercavo solo di capire bene il tuo ragionamento ;) Grazie 1000 a te.
Abbiamo spesso parlato di esposizione ai mercati emergenti vissuta in maniera diversa dai mercati obbligazionari a seconda che si tratti di america latina (vissuta come mercato che ha ancora prospettive di crescita, anche in caso di crisi prolungata) ed europa orientale (per la quale invece ci si attendono cali dei consumi telefonici, vissuti lì ancora come parzialmente voluttuari e dunque comprimibili).

Propongo questa Reuters recente che adotta questa chiave di lettura guardando ai risultati Q1/2009 recentemente diffusi da Telefonica e da Telekom Austria.

Si nota in effetti che mentre entrambe le società hanno problemi sui mercati domestici (che vedono una forte pressione competitiva sugli ex incumbent nazionali da parte di concorrenti sulla telefonia mobile, ed in Spagna anche un calo dei consumi legato all'impennata della disoccupazione), la situazione di Telefonica si giova della forte crescita dei mercati sudamericani, ed in particolare del Brasile, mentre quella di telekom Austria vede un ulteriore indebolimento legato al calo dei consumi telefonici in Bielorussia, Bulgaria ed in alcuni altri paesi balcanici.

WRAPUP 2-LatAm drives Telefonica, E.Europe dents T.Austria

Wed May 13, 2009 8:11am EDT

* Telefonica Q1 profit ahead of forecast
* Spanish firm reiterates '09 guidance
* Latin America compensates for weak Spain
* Telekom Austria Q1 profit misses forecast
* Austrian firm cuts '09 revenue, keeps EBITDA guidance

(releads, adds Latam details)
By Elisabeth O'Leary and Boris Groendahl

MADRID/VIENNA, May 13 (Reuters) - Expansion abroad provided very different results for two of Europe's leading telecoms firms on Wednesday, with Telefonica (TEF.MC) reaping benefits as a long-time investor in still-booming Latin America.

The emerging region helped drive forecast-beating first-quarter profit at Europe's largest telecoms company, offsetting weakness in its home market of Spain. In contrast, pressure on call rates in recession-hit eastern Europe dented peer Telekom Austria's (TELA.VI) results.

"(This) may turn out to be one of the toughest quarters of the credit crunch (and) Telefonica has shown impressive stability ... Latin America continues to drive growth forward and has truly become the company's crown jewel," said Michael Kovacocy, European telecoms analyst at Daiwa.

Telefonica beat market expectations with a 9.8 percent rise in net profit, as growth in Latin America -- and Brazil in particular -- helped offset weakness in Spain and allowed the company to stick to full-year forecasts

Analysts said results at Telefonica had reassured given weakness at European peers, including Telekom Austria, Deutsche Telekom (DTEGn.DE) and Telecom Italia (TLIT.MI), which have taken bigger hits from the economic slowdown.

But markets are expecting more gloomy news from the sector on Thursday when Britain's BT Group (BT.L) is likely to reveal the need for increased contributions to its pension fund and a cut to its dividend as it reports fourth-quarter earnings.


Both Telefonica and Telekom Austria saw home markets facing fierce competition, as cost-conscious customers looked for cheaper mobile rates.

Telekom Austria said its mobile business showed average revenue per user (ARPU) declined in all major markets as higher usage could not offset the impact of lower prices. Prices fell 11 percent in Austria, 7 percent in Bulgaria and 6 percent in Belarus.

The Austrian company cut its revenue outlook as price cuts and the economic downturn caused a 6 percent decline in first-quarter core earnings. Still, it reassured investors that its profit guidance for the year was intact.

At 1128 GMT, shares in Telefonica rose 0.8 percent while Telekom Austria fell 1.9 percent.


At Telefonica, net profit rose to 1.69 billion euros ($2.30 billion), versus the average forecast for a rise of 6.5 percent to 1.64 billion in a Reuters poll of 12 analysts.

Chris Alliott, European telecoms analyst at RBS, said the results were "reassuring. Despite the operating environment in Spain being tough, Latin America is making up for it".

Business in Spain, which accounts for less than a third of Telefonica's revenues, is suffering the effects of a severe recession, with mobile pricing in particular under pressure.

Analysts noted a 9.5 percent year-on-year fall in ARPU at its Spanish mobile business -- a key measure of profitability.

Latin America however, which also accounts for slightly more than a third of revenue, saw a 4.8 percent rise in revenues and a 16 percent rise in custom, thanks to broad-based growth, particularly in internet and mobile telephony.

Telefonica has an around 30 percent market share in the region, where it has nearly 125 million mobile accesses, up 20 percent in the first quarter versus Carlos Slim's America Movil (AMXL.MX) which has about 187 million.
Telefonica added 1.3 million mobile customers in the first quarter alone, with Brazil performing particularly well.

In an interview with Reuters last week, Telefonica was upbeat on the outlook for Latin America, saying many countries in the region may be the first to emerge from the global crisis.


State-controlled Telekom Austria has tapped into the emerging markets in the Balkans and in Belarus to make up for its declining domestic business, but is now suffering as the region entered economic decline and clients cut back on mobile phone calls.

It said 2009 revenue would be "slightly weaker" than previously forecast, but offered costs cuts to offset the shortfall. It still expected to meet its profit guidance and make good on its dividend pledge.

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) were 455 million euros ($620 million) in the March quarter, driven down by a drop in mobile earnings in Austria and Bulgaria and hit by regulatory price cuts and more competition.

That was versus 478 million euros as forecast in a Reuters poll of 12 analysts. ($1=.7336 euros) (Editing by John Stonestreet)

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