Obbligazioni societarie Monitor bond Telecom Europa VI (gennaio - luglio 2009)

2 e 3 Novembre 2008 i98mark e Researcher su TDC


In realtà ci fu un richiamo nel febbraio-marzo 2006, e se non sbaglio si diede conto anche qui sul forum della percentuale di adesioni (quella fu la prima vicenda riguardante una telecom seguita sul forum da quando lo seguo io...)

Vado a memoria, ma credo che sia stata decisamente più alta di 26 mln di euro.


Confermo, mark, 724mln


Presumo che l'illiquidità deriva anche dal fatto che:
1) gli HY sono visti come la peste;
2) questo HY è un telefonico: molti li vorrebbero, chi li ha se li tiene.



Prendo atto: evidentemente ricordavo male io...
4 novembre 2008

L'outlook di S&P su British telecom passa a negativo sull'indebolimento dell'EBITDA e della marginalità operativa conseguita dalla divisione Global Services.

Outlook On BT Group Revised To Negative On Performance Update; 'BBB+/A-2' Ratings Affirmed

LONDON (Standard & Poor's) Oct. 31, 2008--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that it revised its outlook on leading U.K. telecommunications provider BT Group PLC (BT) and wholly owned subsidiary British Telecommunications PLC to negative from stable.

This action follows the release of BT's trading update indicating a weaker EBITDA and profit margin performance at its Global Services division for the second quarter of financial 2009.

At the same time, Standard & Poor's affirmed its 'BBB+' long-term and 'A-2' short-term corporate credit ratings on BT and British Telecommunications PLC.

"The outlook revision reflects our concern that a persistent negative trend in BT's group EBITDA could lead to a downgrade, as it would signal that the credit support that was expected to materialize as a result of growth in cash flows from BT Global Services may take longer to achieve than originally
envisaged," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Michael O'Brien.

"The EBITDA outlook for financial 2009, which arises as a result of a weaker-than-expected 7%-8% EBITDA margin at Global Services, means that our earlier expectations of annual free operating cash flow (FOCF) generation of about £1.5 billion will likely not be met.

"In addition, pressure could manifest itself through the risk of a negative outcome from the upcoming triennial pension review, which--if unfavorable--could result in significant additional funding requirements, as in previous years. This could lead to weaker credit metrics than those posted by BT at the end of the quarter ended June 30, 2008, which were already above our long-term expectations for the ratings and do not provide rating headroom
for further deterioration."

BT's earlier announcement of its £2.5 billion share buyback significantly reduced rating headroom. The subsequent suspension of this buyback program in July 2008 and recent announcement by the group of higher capital expenditures do not alter this view.

At the 'BBB+' rating level, Standard & Poor's would expect BT to rebuild
headroom in its credit metrics through discretionary cash flow generation and
steady operating performance.

If BT were to achieve a marked upturn in operating cash flow generation in tandem with a more conservative balance sheet and an improvement in credit metrics, we could envisage an outlook revision to stable.

"We will monitor developments in the group's operating performance," added Mr. O'Brien. "Our focus will include results from the implementation of
efficiency and cost cutting measures intended to improve margins, particularly those of the Global Services division, as well as the group's efforts to boost cash flow generation."
4 novembre 2008

Per Telenor invece l'outlook passa in negativo in conseguenza del significativo investimento di start up in una telecom indiana. In effetti a Telenor, presente in tutta l'area dalla Thailandia al Bangladesh, dal Pakistan all'asia centrale ex sovietica, oltre che in Russia, Ucraina e gran parte dell'Europa dell'est, l'India ancora mancava... :o

Resta nell'approccio delle agenzie la tendenza a valutare modestamente quest'attività internazionale, per le ragioni indicate anche in questo commento di S&P, e ad accordare il rating soprattutto sulla scorta della forte posizione conseguita sul mercato domestico e scandinavo.

Le dimensioni attese dell'investimento indiano in particolare generano preoccupazione (come anche le prospettive non eccitanti di crescita di quel mercato telefonico, con attese di forte espansione del fatturato complessivo ma con previsioni di marginalità operativa piuttosto modesta), sebbene ad irrobustire le spalle di Telenor vi sia la consistente e salda presenza dello Stato norvegese nell'azionariato e le risorse investite provengano in ultima analisi dai proventi della produzione petrolifera di quel paese.

Il profilo di rischio finanziario quale evidenziato al 30 settembre scorso resta comunque tale da non destare preoccupazioni, con un utilizzo non esorbitante della leva finanziaria (net debt/EBITDA all'1,7% o al 2,2% considerando la totalità delle posizioni assunte sui mercati emergenti).

Fondamentale tuttavia alla conservazione del rating il successo dell'aumento di capitale annunciato da Telenor a finanziamento degli ulteriori costi che si prevede generati dall'espansione in India.

Telenor ASA 'BBB+/A-2' Ratings Affirmed; Outlook Neg On Material Indian Start-up Cash Outflows
LONDON (Standard & Poor's) Oct. 30, 2008--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that it revised the outlook to negative from stable on leading Norwegian and global mobile telecommunications provider Telenor ASA. At the same time, Standard & Poor's affirmed its 'BBB+' long-term and 'A-2' short-term corporate credit ratings on the company.
"The outlook revision follows the announcement that Telenor is to enter the Indian mobile market and the associated significant execution risks it faces given the materiality of the investment," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Simon Redmond.
Telenor will inject $1.07 billion (Norwegian krone {NOK} 7 billion) for a 60% stake with management control in Unitech Wireless, a joint venture with
India-based Unitech Ltd. To fund part of the initial and ongoing investments, Telenor plans to raise NOK12 billion of equity. Although aggressive, the resulting increase in both financial and business risks is seen as manageable and for now compatible at the 'BBB+' rating level.
The ratings on Telenor reflect the company's strong domestic fixed-line
and mobile businesses and solid cash generation. These strengths are offset by the persistent competitive and regulatory pressures in Telenor's Nordic
markets and the volatility and partial ownership of international mobile
International mobile activities, although growing and diversified, have weak business profiles, are often partly owned, and expose Telenor to foreign exchange and country-related risks. At Sept. 30, 2008, Telenor had
gross unadjusted consolidated debt of NOK48.1 billion ($7.4 billion).
The Unitech Wireless investment is consistent with Telenor's strategy to
derive growth from emerging market assets, particularly in Asia.
The total start-up funding for the national operation, which will be meaningfully more than the indicated capital investment alone of $2 billion in the first three years, will be a material financial stress on Telenor's credit profile.
The expected equity issuance is an important but only partial mitigant, as it will rapidly be absorbed by heavily negative free cash flows. With positive EBITDA not anticipated from the Indian operation in the first three years, Telenor's free operating cash flow in 2009 and 2010 is unlikely to cover dividend payments, resulting in a further increase in net debt.
Unitech Ltd. is expected to make pro rata contributions to the joint venture in the coming years.
The weakening of Telenor's business risk profile is more incremental in
the near to medium term.
Telenor has significant experience of emerging market mobile operations, as in Pakistan, but even with a local partner, it will face considerable logistical and other country-related challenges.
The Indian mobile market is expected to continue expanding given nominal penetration of about 26%, but economic conditions are likely to be less supportive and average revenues per user are low at mid-single digits in U.S. dollar terms.
Telenor's performance in the third quarter was satisfactory. Financial
leverage for the 12 months to Sept. 30, 2008, was comfortably within rating
expectations, with adjusted net debt representing about 1.7x EBITDA. (This
rises to 2.0x excluding the contributions from riskier operations in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Montenegro, and Serbia; and 2.2x taking further, proportionate account of EBITDA and debt from Thailand, Malaysia, and EDB Business Partners.)
Over the near term, the negative outlook reflects the high probability of
a downgrade to 'BBB' if our expectation for near-term equity issuance is not
met. Over the longer term, Telenor would be at risk of a downgrade if we
believe that a dramatic reduction in negative group free cash flow in 2010
compared with 2009, a medium-term restoration of debt-to-EBITDA measures, and broadly stable overall group operating performance outside India are not realistic developments.
Further acquisitions, additional cash outflows, or adverse changes in the group's controlled assets would also be likely to result in a downgrade.
Telenor's successful execution of the announced NOK12 billion equity
issuance is critical to maintain the ratings in order to mitigate the effect
of massive cash absorption by the Indian joint venture during the first three
years. With increased debt and lower EBITDA, leverage will increase, but fully
adjusted net debt to EBITDA is not expected to be meaningfully more than 3x
(including 100% of Indian operations).
A revision of the outlook to stable is unlikely in the near term given
the materiality of the expected negative cash flows and operating risks
inherent in the Indian start-up venture. In the medium term, the outlook could be revised to stable if consolidated free operating cash flows before
dividends are likely to be neutral and if leverage declines--notably if
consolidated fully adjusted net debt trends toward 2.5x EBITDA (excluding
EBITDA from riskier countries but including India).
We also expect the operating steps Telenor is taking to compensate for lost revenues and to reduce costs, particularly in the Nordic markets.
The ratings do not incorporate assumptions that any payments with respect to legal disputes, relating to Russia or elsewhere, might result in cash payments that are material for the group.
Le telecom europee continueranno negli anni a venire, secondo Moody's, a cercare crescita dei fatturati mediante l'espansione sui mercati emergenti realizzata attraverso l'acquisizione di società locali. Già negli anni scorsi questa politica si è rivelata premiante, con telecom europee che generano sui mercati emergenti anche il 50% del proprio fatturato.

Tale trend non dovrebbe di per sé essere foriero di cambiamenti sostanziali nei rating, secondo l'agenzia, fintanto che le telecom a più forte espansione su questi mercati compenseranno la maggiore rischiosità del business profile legata alla instabilità di questi mercati con una maggiore disciplina finanziaria.

Per Moody's gli anni a venire vedranno uno spostamento del focus da alcuni mercati emergenti già interessati dall'ondata di acquisizioni degli scorsi anni (America Latina, Europa Centrale e Africa) verso altri ancora relativamente "vergini", ed in specie India e Cina.

Per questi mercati, Moody's condivide la view gia espressa da S&P con riferimento a Telenor e al mercato indiano in quel caso specifico: sono mercati ad alta crescita dei fatturati e dei nuovi clienti, ma ad elevata intensità di capex e a ridotto incremento dell'ARPU. In altre parole, i volumi ed i nuovi utenti cresceranno velocemente, ma occorrerà prestare attenzione al margine.

Moody's reports: European telecoms are still finding growth opportunities in emerging markets

Madrid, October 29, 2008 -- Investments in emerging market telecoms remain attractive for European telecom operators, and should usually not bring about rating changes, says Moody's Investors Service in a new Special Comment.

"Emerging market growth rates, in both fixed and mobile telephony, have been outstanding in recent years," says Carlos Winzer, a Moody's Senior Vice-President and author of the report. "Many European incumbent telecoms have benefited substantially, with some now generating as much as half of their group revenues in emerging markets."

Moody's factors the exposure to riskier operating environments into most companies' ratings. Conservative financial ratios balance greater operating risk. The rating agency offers the examples of Telefónica and Telenor, where it expects financial ratios to be commensurate with a higher rating level (than the one theoretically derived from the telecommunications rating methodology template) to offset the higher business risk derived from the fact that about 50% of revenues are being generated outside the core domestic market.

Opportunities for growth in emerging markets remain, despite a slowdown in some regions. The report, entitled "Emerging Market Investments Still Offer Growth Opportunities for European Telecom Operators," says that there has been a gradual shift in interest from Latin America, Central Europe and Africa towards China and India. "Penetration rates in emerging markets typically grow faster than expected and the number of new subscribers is very high, however, average revenue per user is usually lower than planned and capex is higher," Mr. Winzer adds.

Few companies remain to be acquired in emerging markets, so buying an incumbent operator with a significant footprint in those markets could be an effective way to achieve international diversification and exposure to those faster-growing regions. This was recently the case with the attempt by France Telecom (A3) to acquire TeliaSonera.

"Moody's does not expect ratings changes based on companies' continued selective acquisitions in emerging markets, but it will closely monitor how such deals are funded, and their size in relation to balance sheets, for ratings implications," Mr. Winzer concludes
5 Novembre 2008 postato da Researcher

TDC Earnings Release 3Q 20085/11-2008

• Revenue declined by 1.7% to DKK 29,110m compared with 1Q-3Q 2007 due to lower revenue from traditional landline telephony, divestment of International Voice Business, divestment and outsourcing of business activities in Business Nordic, lower sales in TDC Shop, lower roaming prices as well as fewer landline and mobile wholesale customers. This was partly offset by more broadband and TV customers as well as more domestic retail mobile customers and more mobile customers in Sunrise. Further, a positive impact was achieved from HTCC's acquisitions that was partly offset by the divestments of Bité and Sunrise Business Communications (SBC). Adjusted for acquisitions and divestments of enterprises, revenue declined by 3.1%.

• EBITDA increased by 4.4% to DKK 9,781m compared with 1Q-3Q 2007 due to more broadband and TV customers, lower wages, salaries and pension costs as well as lower transmission costs resulting from lower traffic in traditional landline telephony. Further, a positive impact was achieved from HTCC's acquisitions in addition to gains from the divestment of small business activities. This was partly counterbalanced by lower revenue from traditional landline telephony, the divestments of Bité and SBC, sale and lease back of properties as well as higher customer acquisition and retention costs in Sunrise due to growth in customer intake. The EBITDA margin improved from 31.6% to 33.6%. Adjusted for acquisitions and divestments of enterprises, EBITDA increased by 1.8%, reflecting a 4.5% increase in the Nordic business and a 11.9% decline in Sunrise.

• Operating income (EBIT), excluding special items, increased by 13.5% to DKK 5,490m.

• Net income declined to DKK 1,992m compared with DKK 9,381m in 1Q-3Q 2007, due to the gains from the divestment of Bité and Talkline as well as divestment of properties in 1Q-3Q 2007.

• Net income from continuing operations, excluding special items and fair value adjustments, rose by 49.0% to DKK 3,069m.

• Total cash flow declined to DKK (7,192)m compared with DKK 3,162m in 1Q-3Q 2007, due to the sale of properties and divestment of Bité and Talkline in 1Q-3Q 2007.

• Net interest-bearing debt was down by DKK 3,820m to DKK 40,468m.

• TDC acquired Tele2 in Switzerland.

Outlook for 2008 (revised)

• Revenue is expected to decrease slightly compared with 2007, as declining revenue in the domestic landline business and Sunrise will be only partly compensated for by the full-year effect of HTCC's acquisitions and growth in YouSee.

• Net income from continuing operations, excluding special items and fair value adjustments, is expected to increase by 30%-40% compared with 2007. More efficient operations, decreasing interest expenses as well as lower depreciation, amortization and impairment losses will be partly offset by higher taxes from the full-year effect of the tax legislation amendments in 2007.
Please read the full report attached to the link below.
For inquiries regarding the report please contact TDC Investor Relations at +45 6663 7680.

TDC A/S Teglholmsgade 1 0900 Copenhagen C DK-Denmark tdc.com


Che dici mark, a parte la leggera discesa delle vendite, la marginalitá operativa sembra tenere e anche gli utili, tolte le poste non ricorrenti...che ne pensi...mi sembrano risultati di tutto rispetto

Per chi è interessato, questo è il link

5 novembre 2008

Che dici mark, a parte la leggera discesa delle vendite, la marginalitá operativa sembra tenere e anche gli utili, tolte le poste non ricorrenti...che ne pensi...mi sembrano risultati di tutto rispetto

Stavo appunto dando un'occhiata ... ad una primissima disamina, non sta andando male, e non mi dispiace la riconferma per il 2008 (e ad anno ormai chiuso) dei target fissati ad inizio anno...
Ma qui ciò che dirà molto sul futuro prossimo è lo stato dell'arte circa il ripagamento anticipato del debito ....
5 Novembre 2008

During 1H 2008, TDC bought back Senior Loans of DKK 2,714m
(EUR 364m), of which DKK 2,339m (EUR 314m) was settled in
2Q 2008 and DKK 375m (EUR 50m) was settled in 3Q 2008.
Thereby, all of the buy-backs made during the last year,
which amounted to DKK 6,335m (EUR 849m) are settled. As a
result, the following amounts (nominal value) were outstanding
in relation to the Senior Loans at September 30,
2008: Facility A: DKK 6,171m (EUR 827m), Facility B: DKK
10,772m (EUR 1,443m) and Facility C: DKK 12,841m (EUR
1,721m). In total: DKK 29,784m (EUR 3,991m).
On October 2, 2008, TDC made a mandatory prepayment of
DKK 875m (EUR 117m), which represented 50% of various
disposal proceeds. The prepayment was made as a pro rata
prepayment of Facility A2, B2 and C2 loans.
As a result of this prepayment, the following amounts
(nominal value) were outstanding at October 2, 2008: Facility
A: DKK 5,988m (EUR 803m), Facility B: DKK 10,452m (EUR
1,401m) and Facility C: DKK 12,460m (EUR 1,670m). In total:
DKK 28,900m (EUR 3,874m).

In addition to the buy-back and prepayment of Senior
Loans, TDC bought back EMTN notes due February 2009 in
the second and third quarters of 2008. The buy-backs
amounted to DKK 386m (EUR 52m) for the second quarter
and DKK 312m (EUR 42m) for the third quarter.
TDC may from time to time continue to make buy-backs and to
prepay its debt, including Senior Loans and EMTNs.

I proventi attesi dalle dismissioni: attorno a 750 mln euro complessivi da Polkomtel (dei quali i 174 mln del pro-quota Vodafone riguardano un accordo già concluso, quelli dei soci polacchi dovrebbero arrivare nelle prossime settimane) attorno ad 1 mld euro da HTCC (vendita revocata a seguito delle recenti vicende finanziarie ungheresi, in virtù di un prezzo offerto dai potenziali acquirenti non più in linea con le attese di TDC).

Poi ci sarebbe Sunrise, della quale al tempo fu sancita la non strategicità, ma per la quale ad oggi non si ipotizzano negoziati per la cessione.
Il debito NTCH è junior rispetto a tutto il resto e viene a scadenza dopo quello esposto nel grafico (che tuttavia è aggiornato a fine settembre, mentre le cifre che riportavi sono aggiornate al 2 ottobre)... dovrà quindi essere rinegoziato a suo tempo, sempre auspicando che il gruppo abbia guadato nel mentre la crisi incombente...

5 novembre 2008

Consob: Credit Suisse entra in Telecom Italia col 2,479%

Credit Suisse entra nel capitale sociale di Telecom Italia con la quota del 2,479%. Lo comunica il sito web della Consob, nella sezione dedicata alle partecipazioni rilevanti delle società quotate, che riporta come data dell'operazione lo scorso 29 ottobre.

le TI hanno buoni rendimenti, ne vale la pena? pochi post fa non ne eri per niente entusiasta
sei ancora della stessa idea?

La situazione del debito continua a non essere buona ... però non è che non posto le notizie di quello che non mi piace ... :D

A proposito, un errata corrige: ad avere costi particolarmente elevati non era il canone (come avevo scritto dietro), ma il canone ADSL e anche quella indicazione andrebbe aggiornata perché, un po' risalente nel tempo, magari oggi non è più attuale... purtroppo non ce la faccio a stare dietro a troppe cose insieme... ;)
5 Novembre 2008

Nulla di nuovo sulle quotazioni?
Massimo S., se ci sei facci un fischio!!

ICMA close di ieri: 77,50 - 85,00 price 82 ... e per l'ICMA è già uno spread da paura...

Più liquide sull'ICMA le Nordic 2016 (anche decisamente più rischiose... non è la stessa cosa perché ci sono consistenti senior loans che scadono dopo il TDC 2012 ma prima dei bond facenti capo alla holding di controllo....) 67 - 69 in chiusura....

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