Zapatero annuncia il taglio delle paghe nel settore pubblico del 5% quest'anno ed il loro congelamento nel 2011...
DJ Spain Outlines Plan To Accelerate Deficit Cuts
12.05.10 09:40:03
Under pressure from the European Union to accelerate his government's deficit-reduction plans, Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero says Spain will cut public-sector wages by 5% this year and freeze them next year.
MADRID -- Under pressure from the European Union and financial markets to
accelerate his government's deficit-reduction plans, Prime Minister Jose Luis
Rodriguez Zapatero said Wednesday that Spain will cut public-sector wages by 5%
this year and freeze them next year.
"We need to shore up confidence in our economy," Zapatero told parliament.
Zapatero outlined plans to cut the budget deficit to 9.3% of gross domestic
product this year and to 6.5% in 2011, from 11.2% in 2009.
The government had previously pledged to lower the budget deficit to 9.8% of
GDP this year and to 7.5% of GDP in 2011.
-By Jonathan House, Dow Jones Newswires; +34 91 395 8120;
[email protected]