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Danske Bank inaspettatamente in perdita nel II trimestre - 11.8.09/09:55

Danske Bank, il maggiore istituto finanziario danese, ha chiuso il secondo trimestre del 2009, con una perdita netta di 828 milioni di corone. Gli analisti si aspettavano invece in media un risultato positivo. Nei primi sei mesi dell'anno gli utili ammontano tuttavia a 700 milioni di corone, pari a circa 100 milioni di euro. Per il semestre l'istituto ha segnalato accantonamenti su prestiti per circa 2 miliardi di euro.
scusate se vado in O.T.

Hola a todos

un parere o...una sensazione....

qui in Spagna si stanno pubblicando diversi articoli allarmistici ( di economisti analisti?)
su un probabile tonfo in settembre....perchè, secondo loro, la salita tanto rapida delle borse non è realista e quindi ....crollo vicino, sempre secondo loro.

partendo dal presupposto che nessuno ha la sfera di cristallo

solo chiedo:

voi che in borsa ci siete un giorno si e un giorno si
che ne pensate??

che aria tira...lassù??

non pretendo niente, solo un'opinione da chi ne sa e capisce più di me

grazie e buona giornata a tutti
Fammi indovino che ti faro' ricco

hola a todos

un parere o...una sensazione....

Qui in spagna si stanno pubblicando diversi articoli allarmistici ( di economisti analisti?)
su un probabile tonfo in settembre....perchè, secondo loro, la salita tanto rapida delle borse non è realista e quindi ....crollo vicino, sempre secondo loro.

partendo dal presupposto che nessuno ha la sfera di cristallo

solo chiedo:

Voi che in borsa ci siete un giorno si e un giorno si
che ne pensate??

Che aria tira...lassù??

Non pretendo niente, solo un'opinione da chi ne sa e capisce più di me

grazie e buona giornata a tutti

mai conosciuto uno strategista che per 2 volte consecutive abbia avuto ragione e previsto un crollo del mercato in anticipo

fammi indovino che ti faro' ricco
fammi indovino che ti faro' ricco
fammi indovino che ti faro' ricco
mai conosciuto uno strategista che per 2 volte consecutive abbia avuto ragione e previsto un crollo del mercato in anticipo

fammi indovino che ti faro' ricco
fammi indovino che ti faro' ricco
fammi indovino che ti faro' ricco[/quote]

hai ragione!!!

difatti mi sono chiesta perchè la stessa cosa non l'hanno pubblicata l'anno scorso

per tempo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hola a todos

un parere o...una sensazione....

qui in Spagna si stanno pubblicando diversi articoli allarmistici ( di economisti analisti?)
su un probabile tonfo in settembre....perchè, secondo loro, la salita tanto rapida delle borse non è realista e quindi ....crollo vicino, sempre secondo loro.

partendo dal presupposto che nessuno ha la sfera di cristallo

solo chiedo:

voi che in borsa ci siete un giorno si e un giorno si
che ne pensate??

che aria tira...lassù??

non pretendo niente, solo un'opinione da chi ne sa e capisce più di me

grazie e buona giornata a tutti

IN spagna non e' che se la passano tanto bene..sopratutto la disoccupazione e' salita tantissimo

FUND VIEW-Spain to feel more pain, says Schroders manager

* Spanish firms to suffer from recession and euro strength
* Likes telcos due to high dividends, underweight banks
* Likes French property website Seloger, Italy's Azimut

By Brian Gorman
LONDON, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Spanish companies will suffer
further due to the recession and the strength of the euro, which
is a "one size fits none" currency, said the manager of a
Schroders fund that invests in the euro zone.
"A couple of years ago, it was party time in Spain, but now
it has a hangover
," Andy Lynch, who manages Schroders' Euro
Dynamic Growth Fund, told Reuters.
London-based Lynch has 10 percent of his fund in Spain,
compared with 14 percent for the benchmark, the MSCI EMU index.
He pointed to Spain's high unemployment, which at 17.9
percent is the highest in the EU,
and said his exposure to
companies relying on consumer spending there was "non-existent".
"It's hard to see consumption being strong in that kind of
environment," he noted.
He said Spain needed the euro to be weaker, adding: "I don't
think the euro can work until we have fiscal union. But I'm not
forecasting that any time soon."
Launched in 2002, the fund is worth some 303 million euros
and is up 4.3 percent for the first half of the year, compared
with a rise of 2.8 percent for the MSCI EMU.
In terms of sectors, Lynch is underweight on banks.
"We've seen a lot of writedowns on structured products, but
as we've seen from Lloyds <LLOY.L>, the losses on plain vanilla
lending are just getting going. Things like mortgages and car
loans -- when people can't service the loans any more, it's
classic late-cyclical, and it's lagged to rising unemployment

Not surprisingly, he is underweight Spain's Banco Santander
<SAN.MC>. "The management team is exceptionally high quality,
but they're not going to be able to walk on water"
, he said,
forecasting "chunky losses" on its loan books in coming years.
However, banks which he regards as high quality such as
Societe Generale <SOGN.PA> and BNP Paribas <BNPP.PA> are both in
his Top 10 holdings.

Lynch admitted to being caught out by the rally in equity
markets, which has seen the FTSEurofirst 300 <.FTEU3> surge 46
percent from the lifetime low to which it sank on March 9.

"It's been a chastening run-up because I was cautiously
positioned," said Lynch. "July wasn't much fun. I got caught by
the direction of the market and by the lower quality of some of
the stocks that moved up."
But he said he had no plans to radically overhaul his
"I still feel that a lot of the growth is being fuelled by
government support packages. It's a bit like heroin. You keep
having to take more of it to get the same hit. There's a lack of
real end-demand."
Outside the big caps, he likes Italian asset manager Azimut
Holdings <AZMT.MI>, which he has held since it was floated in
2005. Another midcap he likes is Seloger <SLGC.PA>. "To all
intents and purposes, they are the French Rightmove <RMV.L> --
the 'go to' website for people who want to buy or rent
properties in France."
He is overweight in telecoms and has Spain's Telefonica
<TEF.MC> as his second-biggest holding.
Lynch pointed to telecoms' strong cashflow and dividend
yields, which he says are well covered, adding: "When you talk
to teenagers, they say there's absolutely no way they're giving
up their mobiles or facebook."
(Editing by David Holmes)
(([email protected]; +44 20 7542 9128; Reuters
Messaging: [email protected]))
IN spagna non e' che se la passano tanto bene..sopratutto la disoccupazione e' salita tantissimo

FUND VIEW-Spain to feel more pain, says Schroders manager

* Spanish firms to suffer from recession and euro strength
* Likes telcos due to high dividends, underweight banks
* Likes French property website Seloger, Italy's Azimut

By Brian Gorman
LONDON, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Spanish companies will suffer
further due to the recession and the strength of the euro, which
is a "one size fits none" currency, said the manager of a
Schroders fund that invests in the euro zone.
"A couple of years ago, it was party time in Spain, but now
it has a hangover," Andy Lynch, who manages Schroders' Euro
Dynamic Growth Fund, told Reuters.
London-based Lynch has 10 percent of his fund in Spain,
compared with 14 percent for the benchmark, the MSCI EMU index.
He pointed to Spain's high unemployment, which at 17.9
percent is the highest in the EU, and said his exposure to
companies relying on consumer spending there was "non-existent".
"It's hard to see consumption being strong in that kind of
environment," he noted.
He said Spain needed the euro to be weaker, adding: "I don't
think the euro can work until we have fiscal union. But I'm not
forecasting that any time soon."
Launched in 2002, the fund is worth some 303 million euros
and is up 4.3 percent for the first half of the year, compared
with a rise of 2.8 percent for the MSCI EMU.
In terms of sectors, Lynch is underweight on banks.
"We've seen a lot of writedowns on structured products, but
as we've seen from Lloyds <LLOY.L>, the losses on plain vanilla
lending are just getting going. Things like mortgages and car
loans -- when people can't service the loans any more, it's
classic late-cyclical, and it's lagged to rising unemployment."

Not surprisingly, he is underweight Spain's Banco Santander
<SAN.MC>. "The management team is exceptionally high quality,
but they're not going to be able to walk on water", he said,
forecasting "chunky losses" on its loan books in coming years.
However, banks which he regards as high quality such as
Societe Generale <SOGN.PA> and BNP Paribas <BNPP.PA> are both in
his Top 10 holdings.
Lynch admitted to being caught out by the rally in equity
markets, which has seen the FTSEurofirst 300 <.FTEU3> surge 46
percent from the lifetime low to which it sank on March 9.
"It's been a chastening run-up because I was cautiously
positioned," said Lynch. "July wasn't much fun. I got caught by
the direction of the market and by the lower quality of some of
the stocks that moved up."
But he said he had no plans to radically overhaul his
"I still feel that a lot of the growth is being fuelled by
government support packages. It's a bit like heroin. You keep
having to take more of it to get the same hit. There's a lack of
real end-demand."
Outside the big caps, he likes Italian asset manager Azimut
Holdings <AZMT.MI>, which he has held since it was floated in
2005. Another midcap he likes is Seloger <SLGC.PA>. "To all
intents and purposes, they are the French Rightmove <RMV.L> --
the 'go to' website for people who want to buy or rent
properties in France."
He is overweight in telecoms and has Spain's Telefonica
<TEF.MC> as his second-biggest holding.
Lynch pointed to telecoms' strong cashflow and dividend
yields, which he says are well covered, adding: "When you talk
to teenagers, they say there's absolutely no way they're giving
up their mobiles or facebook."
(Editing by David Holmes)
(([email protected]; +44 20 7542 9128; Reuters
Messaging: [email protected]))

si ora la spagna sta ..."maluccio"....!!!

speriamo che non abbiano ragione nel "globale" borse mondiali!!

non me la sento di affrontare un'altra Islanda o Lehman
Appare ovvio dai tempi di newton che la legge di gravita'
faccio scendere tutto cio' che sale

e dunque il mercato azionario come quello del credito ritraccera'

il problema e' capire da quale livello?
Un mio amico ha venduto le generali 5,317 a 72 dicendo che poi sullo storno di settembre le avrebbe ricomprate piu' basse (ad oggi mi viene dire che questo mio amico se sara' fortunato le comprera' allo stesso prezzo)

mio feeling: Sento molti forse troppi parlare di un crollo delle borse a settembre. Mi domando: Forse c'e' molta gente cash e nervosa che spera in un crollo per comprare . E duque mettono in giro voci per impaurire

lo storno ci sara' ma a me sembra di essere tornato negli anni di bolla del 1999 quando il valore di portafoglio ti cresceva giorno per giorno.
La crescita del valore di portafoglio day by day si puo' anche chiamare trend rialzista ..... E lascio a voi la conclusione di cosa bisogna fare quando si ha un portafoglio intrend
:eek:commerzbank DE0008032053 31/12/2010 6,375% t.m. 1000e. 75-78,6 cos' è questa roba???:eek:

Riguarda indirettamente il mio quesito di ieri.
Tra le banche "pesantemente malmesse" Commerzbank ha un bond che scade nel 2010 a 78, e HSH Nordbank intorno a 95 per i propri che scadono nel 2014
Le rispettive perpetue quotano oltre 30 Commerzbank e 15 HSH
Dove sta la razionalità del mercato? :rolleyes:
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