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Bos 4 Mod
Come sempe fai delle analisi interessanti. A questo punto aspettiamo Aprile per vedere se cominciano con richiamare la prima delle LT2. Comunque finisca con la nostra Baca ( se la richiamino oppure no ) se cominciassero a richiamare le LT2 assisteremo ad un apprezzamento di Baca avviconandoci ad Ottobre. Ma i conti sul costp di sostituzione l'hai fatto tenendo in mente che etterebbero nuovi LT2 con caratteristiche da basilea iii e quindi a tassi superiori al rendimento di un LT2 odierno ?

Ho fatto due conti della serva. Le LT2 danno Eur + 0,30 (o poco più). Pure un senior unsecured costa di più adesso.

Vediamo come si evolve la situazione.


Ho fatto due conti della serva. Le LT2 danno Eur + 0,30 (o poco più). Pure un senior unsecured costa di più adesso.

Vediamo come si evolve la situazione.

cmq l'avvicinarsi della call dovrebbe spingere ancora le quotazioni..non mi meraviglierei di un 68 a luglio/agosto
faccio il tifo per voi:up:


Forumer storico
[FONT=&quot][Text] UPDATE 1-Raiffeisen will need cap hike for Basel III -paper [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][RBIV.VI] * Capital increase definitely in pipeline -Konrad
* RBI reiterates no such plans in near term
* Shares rise 1.5 percent, outpace bank sector

(Adds bank statement, share price)
VIENNA, Feb 7 (Reuters) - Austrian lender Raiffeisen Bank
International <RBIV.VI> (RBI) will at some point need a capital
hike due to its expansion plans and new global capital
requirement rules, a senior group executive told a newspaper.
Raiffeisen, one of emerging Europe's biggest banks, is
firmly committed to the region which it sees as Europe's "driver
of growth", RBI's advocate general Christian Konrad said.
"In the context of our growth plans and Basel III there will
definitely be a capital hike," he told daily Wirtschaftsblatt in
an interview published on Monday. He did not elaborate.
In a statement, RBI reiterated its stance -- made as
recently as Friday during a call on its plans to buy Polish bank
Polbank -- that no share sale was imminent. [ID:nLDE7130WQ]
"We stick to our statement that we are not considering a
capital increase in the near term. However, depending on RBI's
business development, a capital increase may be considered at
some point in the future," it said.
RBI shares rose 1.5 percent to 44.395 euros by 1127 GMT
while the Stoxx European banking index <.SX7P> gained 0.9
Konrad, who is also supervisory board chairman of RBI's
parent company Raiffeisen Zentralbank (RZB), said the bank would
pay back on time the 1.75 billion euros ($2.4 billion) of state
capital it received during the 2009 credit crisis.
"There is a clear (repayment) agreement of five years and we
will stick to that. As for speculation about early repayment, I
don't think much of that, especially given the situation in
public finances," he said.
($1=.7359 euros)
(Reporting by Sylvia Westall and Michael Shields; Editing by
Greg Mahlich and David Hulmes)
(([email protected]; Vienna Newsroom: +43 153 112
256; Reuters Messaging: [email protected]))


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
[Text] INTERVIEW-Italy's Algebris to launch first CoCo bond fund

[LLOY.L CSGN.VX UBSN.VX CS.N UBS.N] * Fund launch seen in April

* Credit Suisse seen issuing 30 bln Sfr CoCo bonds by 2019

By Maria Pia Quaglia

MILAN, Feb 7 (Reuters) - Italian alternative asset manager

Algebris Investments is to launch what it says is the first fund

to invest in contingent convertible (CoCo) bonds, a new type of

hybrid bond that turns into equity under certain conditions.

The Basel Committee of banking regulators is looking at

so-called CoCo bonds as a way to boost loss absorbency for large

banks and will come up with formal proposals for their use this

year. (For more on these proposals please see:

Results of the December 2010 meeting of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)

"As far as we know, we will be the first to launch such a

fund," Algebris partner Alessandro Lasagna told Reuters in an

interview on Monday.

"We will certainly not be the only ones because, despite the

complexities and the scepticism, the point is that an historical

change is taking place and regulators and central banks are

those who want it to happen".

Some of Europe's big banks are preparing to issue billions

of euros of CoCos when they get clarity from regulators. Credit

Suisse <CSGN.VX>, for example, could even start issuing them

this year. [ID:nTOE6BC00A]

But CoCos have had a cool reception from investors. British

bank Lloyds <LLOY.L> and Dutch bank Rabobank are the only banks

to tap the market with these new instruments. [ID:nLDE69C0U0]

[ID:nLDE69D0QR] [ID:nLDE6B814W]

Contingent capital or convertible instruments convert to

equity or their value gets written down when the issuing bank

hits a certain trigger, such as the decline in its capital ratio

below a given threshold.

Uncertainty surrounding this trigger point has worried

investors and rating agencies.

But despite current scepticism, Lasagna said the regulatory

push to include new generation hybrid debt in mandatory capital

buffers would eventually force major lenders to issue CoCos.

He expects Credit Suisse <CSGN.VX><CS.N> to be among the

first to hit the market and predicted Switzerland's No. 2 bank

to issue about 30 billion Swiss francs ($31 billion) in CoCo

bonds by 2019.

"In the next 18 to 36 months there will be an enormous

opportunity arising from the capital strengthening of the

financial system that will be done through the issuance of these

instruments", Lasagna said.

Ratings agency Standard and Poor's has said banks globally

may need to raise as much as $1 trillion of CoCo-style capital

over five to 10 years to replace existing debt and bolster

balance sheets.

Lasagna said banks would be under pressure to issue before a

2019 deadline for banks to meet new capital rules also for

marketing reasons.

"Companies will prefer to deal with the investment bank

division of banking groups with strong capital positions," he


Algebris CoCo fund, a Specialised Investment Fund under

Luxemburg legislation, will start premarketing in March and be

operational in April but timing will depend on the regulatory


Algebris manages globally 1.4 billion dollars and has the

bulk of its clients in the United States. It already invests in

hybrid bonds through its flagship Global Financial Fund.

(Editing by Jane Merriman)

((Reuters Messaging:

[email protected], +39 02


($1=.9545 Swiss Franc)


Forumer storico
WestLB Likely to Be Broken Up as No Buyer Is Found, FTD Reports

WestLB AG will probably be broken up and sold in parts, as no buyer for the bank as a whole can be found, the Financial Times Deutschland reported today, citing unidentified people in the financial industry.
None of the four possible buyers is likely to make a binding bid by Feb. 11 and no merger with another state-owned German Landesbank is in prospect, the newspaper said.


:lol::lol::lol: ho passato un ordine con la femmina di iw..rob de matt..provare per credere..aveva inverito gli ordini di acquisto vendita, sbagliato isin e ha commentato con una frase che finiva con ca..zo!!!
al limite ca... lo dico io!:D

capitano :), da un uomo di mondo, anzi dell'altro mondo come te mi aspettavo un comportamento meno sciovinista... e che ca.zo, per citare la nostra signora :D

devo dire che stamattina è stata lei che mi ha dato in modo chiaro e gentile le quotazioni che ho postato, e mi ha pure fatto vendere con un mezzo punto in più di quello che mi aveva detto... :up:

si vede che è alle prime armi, ma con Torelli e Terzano per maestri, si farà :D:D:D:violino::violino::violino:

E così dicendo spero che mi paghino Bawag :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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