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Forumer storico
...nessuno di Voi è più aggiornato su prezzi della hypo re ???
Non se ne parla più se non per depfa ma, secondo indiscrezioni, dovrebbe passare i nuovi stress test.
minimum size 50k
chi riesce ad aggiornare sui prezzi, se trada flat o meno ??? :up:
Non capisco la differenza di prezzo, ad esempio, tra questa e CO.BA. :-?

parlando di stress test, ma qualcuno sa esattamente quando si fanno???

per quanto riguarda hypo re effettivamente da riapprofondire, anche se ora a 40 non è molto a sconto...
TOKYO, May 27 (Reuters) - The Nikkei average pared losses to stand almost flat on Friday, after bank shares gained on a report that capital requirements for European banks may be relaxed.

The Financial Times reported that banks in the European Union could avoid part of the tighter Basel III capital requirements under draft legislation implementing the new globally agreed standards across the 27-member bloc. (news)
The report boosted Japanese bank shares, with Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group rising 1.3 percent to 379 yen and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group gaining 1.3 percent to 2,373 yen.

"Bank shares may recover to the levels before Edano startled the market two weeks ago," said a trader at a European brokerage.

Notizia molto positiva,,, ma non è per caso che ci stanno preparando a qualche bad news che uscirà nel fine settimana (ristrutturazione greca,,,,)?


Bos 4 Mod
Dal FT

Basel III break for banks in EU
By Brooke Masters in London and Nikki Tait in Brussels
Published: May 26 2011 22:32 | Last updated: May 26 2011 22:32
Banks in the European Union could evade part of the tighter Basel III capital requirements under draft legislation implementing the new globally agreed standards across the 27-member bloc.

The 500-plus page draft, which has not been officially released, could allow EU banks to count more of the capital in their insurance subsidiaries than the global rules call for. It will also allow some banks to continue issuing hybrid capital – preference shares and other debt-like instruments – for longer than expected. The biggest French financial companies, including Société Générale and BNP Paribas, and the UK’s Lloyds Banking Group have insurance arms. They would benefit disproportionately from the exception.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision agreed last year to tighten the definition of capital and require all banks to maintain core tier one capital equal to 7 per cent of their assets, adjusted for risk. But it is up to national regulators and the European Commission to implement the rules.

A regulator involved in the Basel process said that if the two exceptions stand “it would be a violation of the global agreement” and would undermine the international effort to make banks safer.

The Basel III compromise limits the use of insurance capital to 10 per cent of each bank’s total capital stock. It forces banks to gradually reduce their reliance on hybrids, which largely proved useless in absorbing losses during the financial crisis. It prohibits them from counting any hybrids issued after the Basel III standards were announced in 2010.

The EU draft amendments to its “capital requirements directive” would allow financial conglomerates to use another method of calculating their capital. Several people who have seen the draft said it could effectively gut the 10 per cent limit on use of insurance holdings.

More FT video
“You could drive a coach and horses through that exception,” said one of them.

However, EU officials said they believe the Basel III standards would not be breached because of the strict way in which the conglomerate provisions would be policed.

The EU legislation covers a broader scope than the Basel III guidelines, applying to investment firms, the insurance sector and across sectors, as well as to banks.

The EU plans to toughen rules for conglomerates.

The draft says that banks could count hybrids issued right up until the Commission formally unveils the amendments, which is likely to be July. That would benefit EU banks that have continued to issue hybrids in defiance of the planned phase-out. EU insiders said the later date is due to concerns about making rules retroactive.

Global bankers and regulators are on high alert for cheating on implementation of the Basel standards. US regulators infuriated European counterparts by refusing to implement the Basel II round for many years.


Money Never Sleeps
parlando di stress test, ma qualcuno sa esattamente quando si fanno???

per quanto riguarda hypo re effettivamente da riapprofondire, anche se ora a 40 non è molto a sconto...

bos, certo non è a 20, ma considera che se le cose vanno per il verso giusto, penso che questa possa fare come le eurohypo...
...sugli stress test, so che saranno prossimamente ma non so di preciso quando...


Forumer storico
bos, certo non è a 20, ma considera che se le cose vanno per il verso giusto, penso che questa possa fare come le eurohypo...
...sugli stress test, so che saranno prossimamente ma non so di preciso quando...

io ho preso la depfa XS0178243332 a 27 che si sta comportando benino oggi vede i 30 su euronext
Ultima modifica:


Money Never Sleeps
io ho preso la depfa XS0178243332 a 27 che si sta comportando benino oggi vede i 30 su euronext

cosa è che non hai tra le ciofeche :lol: l'avevo a 16 e liquidata a 21 :rolleyes:
ma se devo fare una scommessa, scommetto che riprenderà a pagare le cedole prima la casa madre (HYPORE) ed allora si potrà involare oltre il 60% del valore...


Forumer storico
parlando di stress test, ma qualcuno sa esattamente quando si fanno???

per quanto riguarda hypo re effettivamente da riapprofondire, anche se ora a 40 non è molto a sconto...

A me risulta che siano già stati fatti, visto che i criteri sono stati fissati da alcuni mesi.
Quanto alla data di pubblicazione dei risultati, corrono informazioni diverse.
Personalmente mi atterrei alle indicazioni autorevoli di EBA, che parla di metà giugno:

European Banking Authority - EBA - The EBA publishes details of its stress test scenarios and methodology


Forumer storico
Basel III break for banks in EU
By Brooke Masters in London and Nikki Tait in Brussels
Published: May 26 2011 22:32 | Last updated: May 26 2011 22:32
Banks in the European Union could evade part of the tighter Basel III capital requirements under draft legislation implementing the new globally agreed standards across the 27-member bloc.

The 500-plus page draft, which has not been officially released, could allow EU banks to count more of the capital in their insurance subsidiaries than the global rules call for. It will also allow some banks to continue issuing hybrid capital – preference shares and other debt-like instruments – for longer than expected. The biggest French financial companies, including Société Générale and BNP Paribas, and the UK’s Lloyds Banking Group have insurance arms. They would benefit disproportionately from the exception.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision agreed last year to tighten the definition of capital and require all banks to maintain core tier one capital equal to 7 per cent of their assets, adjusted for risk. But it is up to national regulators and the European Commission to implement the rules.

A regulator involved in the Basel process said that if the two exceptions stand “it would be a violation of the global agreement” and would undermine the international effort to make banks safer.

The Basel III compromise limits the use of insurance capital to 10 per cent of each bank’s total capital stock. It forces banks to gradually reduce their reliance on hybrids, which largely proved useless in absorbing losses during the financial crisis. It prohibits them from counting any hybrids issued after the Basel III standards were announced in 2010.

The EU draft amendments to its “capital requirements directive” would allow financial conglomerates to use another method of calculating their capital. Several people who have seen the draft said it could effectively gut the 10 per cent limit on use of insurance holdings.

More FT video
“You could drive a coach and horses through that exception,” said one of them.

However, EU officials said they believe the Basel III standards would not be breached because of the strict way in which the conglomerate provisions would be policed.

The EU legislation covers a broader scope than the Basel III guidelines, applying to investment firms, the insurance sector and across sectors, as well as to banks.

The EU plans to toughen rules for conglomerates.

The draft says that banks could count hybrids issued right up until the Commission formally unveils the amendments, which is likely to be July. That would benefit EU banks that have continued to issue hybrids in defiance of the planned phase-out. EU insiders said the later date is due to concerns about making rules retroactive.

Global bankers and regulators are on high alert for cheating on implementation of the Basel standards. US regulators infuriated European counterparts by refusing to implement the Basel II round for many years.

Ciao Zorba,
secondo alcuni osservatori, l'articolo che hai postato sarebbe all'origine dell'odierna partenza "lanciata" dei bancari europei, specialmente quelli che hanno un braccio assicurativo.
Personalmente non avrei mai pensato che un articolo come quello potesse suscitare reazioni (positive) tanto vivaci.
Rimane il fatto che tra qui e luglio il processo normativo (sia per i bancari che per gli assicurativi) farà parecchi passi in avanti: sarebbe utile sforzarsi di immaginare gli effetti che ricadranno sulle perpetue.
Chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.

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