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Forumer storico
Si la 894 mi sembra che sia step-up conti alla non riesco ad aprire il prospetto...l'altra no di certo...
peró comunque sia mi piace sempre piú il mio...

Ciao Max, però la 542 non è step up (parlo in ottica Basilea 3). La 894 non ne sono certo, dovrebbe esserlo:-?.
Correggimi se sbaglio.



Nuovo forumer
su fineco ho trovato questa notizia ma non riesco ad approfondirla:

BANCO POPOLARE - Redemption option of the innovative capital instruments Floating Rate Noncumulative Preferred Trust Certificates of BPL Investors Trust II
Reuters - 14/12/2010 20:00:11
To view the document in .PDF format, click on: http://[email protected]:[email protected]/Public/91387_BIA1456b_9092181.pdf

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e quando ti chiede le credenziali utilizza come utente: [email protected]
e come password: R23112010


su fineco ho trovato questa notizia ma non riesco ad approfondirla:

BANCO POPOLARE - Redemption option of the innovative capital instruments Floating Rate Noncumulative Preferred Trust Certificates of BPL Investors Trust II
Reuters - 14/12/2010 20:00:11
To view the document in .PDF format, click on:[email protected]/Public/91387_BIA1456b_9092181.pdf

Verona, 14 dicembre 2010 - Con riferimento agli strumenti innovativi di capitale denominati “Floating Rate Noncumulative Preferred Trust Certificates” emessi dalla Banca Popolare di Lodi Investors Trust II (l’“emittente”), rappresentativi di un ugual numero di “Floating Rate Noncumulative Preferred Securities” emesse della Banca Popolare di Lodi Capital Company II LLC, a tasso variabile, step up callable e scadenza perpetua (codice Isin XS0122427940, le “Preferred Securities”), si comunica che il Banco Popolare non procederà alla data del 29 dicembre 2010 (prima data utile per il richiamo) all’esercizio della relativa opzione di rimborso anticipato.


Utente Senior
Verona, 14 dicembre 2010 - Con riferimento agli strumenti innovativi di capitale denominati “Floating Rate Noncumulative Preferred Trust Certificates” emessi dalla Banca Popolare di Lodi Investors Trust II (l’“emittente”), rappresentativi di un ugual numero di “Floating Rate Noncumulative Preferred Securities” emesse della Banca Popolare di Lodi Capital Company II LLC, a tasso variabile, step up callable e scadenza perpetua (codice Isin XS0122427940, le “Preferred Securities”) ...

questa non l'avevamo catalogata:
che cedole aveva?

PS però dice che intendono richiamarla alla prox data di call dopo adc

non potrebbero richiamare anche l'Italease sotto Natale (early redemption)?!?! :p


questa non l'avevamo catalogata:
che cedole aveva?

PS però dice che intendono richiamarla alla prox data di call dopo adc

non potrebbero richiamare anche l'Italease sotto Natale (early redemption)?!?!

Variabile Euribor 3m + 300 bp fino al dicembre 2010 poi Euribor 3m +
450 bp

E' una piccola emissione da 75MLN, citata nel prospetto della "nostra" 290 come "equivalente", potrebbe essere di buon auspicio (vedi sotto)...

(c) Substitution: Upon the Merger, certain assets and liabilities of Banco Popolare di Verona e Novara S.C.a r.l. and BPI (including the Notes) will be transferred to Banco Popolare Soc. Coop. (or to such other company into which or with which Banco Popolare di Verona e Novara S.C.a r.l. and BPI may be merged, hereinafter the “New Issuer”), which will on the Merger Date, without the consent of the Step-Up Noteholders, assume liability as principal debtor in respect of the Step-Up Notes in place of the Issuer.
As of and from the Merger Date:
(i) the New Issuer shall be deemed to be named in the Step-Up Notes, the Deed of Covenant and the Agency Agreement as the principal debtor in place of Banco Popolare di Verona e Novara S.C.a r.l. as Issuer and the Step-Up Notes, the Deed of Covenant and the Agency Agreement shall thereupon be deemed to be amended to give effect to the substitution and “Issuer” shall mean the New Issuer;
(ii) the definition of “Parity Securities” in these Conditions shall be replaced with the following definition:
“Parity Securities” means (A) any obligations or instruments issued by the Issuer which rank equally with the Step-Up Notes (including the obligations of the Issuer in its capacity as guarantor of €500,000,000 non-cumulative guaranteed fixed/floating rate perpetual trust preferred securities issued on 30 June 2005 (ISIN: XS0223454512), €75,000,000 floating rate perpetual trust preferred securities issued on 29 December 2000 (ISIN: XS0122427940) and €25,000,000 floating rate perpetual trust preferred securities issued on 22 September 2000 (ISIN: XS0108916718), and (B) any guarantees or similar instruments of the Issuer which rank equally with the Step-Up Notes and which are granted for the benefit of preferred securities or preferred or preference shares issued by any Subsidiary of the Issuer;
Per accedere al documento digita questo indirizzo:
e quando ti chiede le credenziali utilizza come utente: [email protected]
e come password: R23112010

Il Banco Popolare intende dar corso al richiamo delle Preferred Securities alla
prima data utile successiva al regolamento dell’aumento di capitale approvato
dall’Assemblea Straordinaria dei Soci il giorno 11.12.2010 in quanto, ai sensi
delle vigenti Istruzioni di vigilanza in materia (cfr. comunicazione della Banca
d’Italia del 21.08.2009 pubblicata nel Bollettino di Vigilanza dell’agosto 2009),
il rimborso anticipato di tali strumenti può avvenire, previa autorizzazione della
Banca d’Italia, a condizione che gli stessi siano sostituiti integralmente e
preventivamente con strumenti di qualità patrimoniale almeno equivalente. Si
segnala che a partire dal 29 dicembre 2010, i titoli saranno rimborsabili
trimestralmente in corrispondenza di ciascuna data di pagamento delle cedole.

Lo allego in italiano, è anche più comodo da leggere ;)


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Subordinated bondholders in Irish banks face the prospect of sharing the burden of loan losses under new legislation that will come before the Dáil tomorrow.

The Credit Institutions (Stabilisation) Bill published by Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan this afternoon, will enshrine into law recommendations on the Irish banking system outlined in the Irish International Monetary Fund/EU memorandum of understanding.

As part of an €85 billion rescue plan, the State has agreed to reduce the size of the Irish bank sector in a bid to prevent future loan losses tipping the economy over the edge and damaging the wider euro-zone. Some €35 billion of the fund is being used to bail out the banking system, with €10 billion being injected up front and the remaining €25 billion left in a contingency fund in case of future bank losses.

Under the proposed legislation, the Minister, in consultation with the governor of the Central Bank, will have additional powers. These includes the ability to make subordinated liabilities orders in certain cases to achieve "appropriate burden sharing" by subordinated creditors in institutions that have received State support.

AIB, Bank of Ireland, Anglo Irish Bank, EBS and Irish Nationwide Building Society have all received funding from the Government, with more than €35 billion already injected into or commited to the lenders.

The Minister will also have the power to appoint a special manager to such a bank "in limited and exceptional circumstances".

It also gives the Minister powers to transfer some institutions’ assets and liabilities to facilitate the restructuring of the sector, and will enable the Government to inject part of the capital required by AIB before the end of the year.

Although the Central Bank imposed new capital core tier 1 ratios of 12 per cent for Irish banks, it said it wanted AIB to maintain a ratio of 14 per cent to cover future loan losses. The bank must raise almost €10 billion in additional capital and as a result, the State is expected to take a stake of more than 90 per cent in the bank.

Up until last month, AIB, Bank of Ireland and Anglo Irish Bank had lost more than €35 billion in deposits this year.

Mr Lenihan said a "comprehensive restructuring" of the retail banking system in the State was a key factor in the EU-IMF rescue plan agreement.

"The banking system must play its role in providing the credit to the real economy to support our recovery," he said.

The Bill also contains provisions that allow the Minister to impose terms and conditions on institutions in return for State aid, as Mr Lenihan did over payment of bonuses by AIB.

The new powers contained in the Bill are scheduled to expire at the end of December 2012.

The Bill, which will be debated in the Dáil tomorrow, is expected to be enacted by the end of the week. Draft legislation providing for a comprehensive Special Resolution Regime (SRR) that will provide a framework for winding down lenders in the future will be introduced to the Dáil before the end of February.

Qui si parla che la legge si può applicare anche senza nazionalizzazione..brutta storia
Cmq si Profila che una Banca Può tagliare al 50% Lt2 Ut2 T1 senza Fallire,quindi per il mio gusto non vale + la pena investire in Subordinati,quando non cè un minimo di legge che ci tutela


Bos 4 Mod
Posto anche qui.

Questo è il link alla nuova legge presentata in Parlamento Irlandese.

Credit Institutions (Stabilisation) Bill 2010 - Tithe an Oireachtais

Ho letto velocemente la legge sulle ristrutturazioni bancarie irlandesi. E' una sorta procedura pre-concorsuale, ad impulso del governo, dietro il parere del governatore della banca centrale. Il procedimento si instaura presso la high-court ed è possibile presentare opposizione da parte della banca interessata e dei bondholders subordinati.

In estrema sintesi: Proposed subordinated liabilities orders provides that
the Minister may make a proposed subordinated liabilities order
relating to the subordinated debt of a relevant institution to which
the Minister has provided or intends to provide financial support
under the Credit Institutions (Financial Support) Act 2008 providing
for one or more of a number of specified matters including the
modification of rights as regards the payment of interest, the
repayment of principal, events of default, the timing of obligations,
etc. In addition, a proposed subordinated liabilities order may grant
a shareholding in a relevant institution to some of the subordinated
creditors affected.
A proposed subordinated liabilities order may be made only where
the Minister is of the opinion, having consulted with the Governor
of the Central Bank, that making a subordinated liabilities order is
necessary for preserving or restoring the financial position of the
relevant institution with the consequence of affecting the rights of
subordinated creditors.
In making any such proposed subordinated
liabilities order the Minister must have regard to such of a list of
matters as the Minister considers appropriate. These matters include
the amount of indebtedness of the relevant institution to its
subordinated creditors relative to its assets, the extent and nature of
financial support provided or to be provided to the relevant
institution, the likely extent to which the subordinated creditors
would be repaid amounts owing to them in a winding up of that
institution in the absence of such financial support etc.

Il Governo può emettere i seguenti orders:

(a) the postponement, termination, suspension or other modification
of specific rights, liabilities, terms and obligations
associated with all or any of such subordinated liabilities
including (without limiting the generality of the
foregoing) any or all of the following rights, terms and
(i) the payment of interest;
(ii) the repayment of principal;
(iii) what constitutes an event of default;
(iv) collective action provisions;
(v) the timing of obligations;
(vi) the due date;
(vii) the applicable law;
(viii) the right to declare, specify or determine an event of
(ix) any right to enforce payment, whether by winding-up
or otherwise;

(b) requiring the relevant institution to acquire those liabilities
30 for a specified consideration, including a consideration
calculated on the assumption that the State—
(i) has not provided and will not provide financial support
to that institution, and
(ii) has not made and will not make any investment in
35 that institution.

In soldoni, a seconda della gravità dei casi, il Governo può chiedere la sospensione degli interessi, il differimento della maturity, il riacquisto da parte della banca dei bond a prezzi prestabiliti, etc...

Insomma, se la banca non riesce a stare in piedi da sola, il governo ha mano libera.

La cosa positiva è che la procedura deve necessariamente passare per il tribunale.


Posto anche qui.

Ho letto velocemente la legge sulle ristrutturazioni bancarie irlandesi. E' una sorta procedura pre-concorsuale, ad impulso del governo, dietro il parere del governatore della banca centrale. Il procedimento si instaura presso la high-court ed è possibile presentare opposizione da parte della banca interessata e dei bondholders subordinati.

In estrema sintesi: Proposed subordinated liabilities orders provides that
the Minister may make a proposed subordinated liabilities order
relating to the subordinated debt of a relevant institution to which
the Minister has provided or intends to provide financial support
under the Credit Institutions (Financial Support) Act 2008 providing
for one or more of a number of specified matters including the
modification of rights as regards the payment of interest, the
repayment of principal, events of default, the timing of obligations,
etc. In addition, a proposed subordinated liabilities order may grant
a shareholding in a relevant institution to some of the subordinated
creditors affected.
A proposed subordinated liabilities order may be made only where
the Minister is of the opinion, having consulted with the Governor
of the Central Bank, that making a subordinated liabilities order is
necessary for preserving or restoring the financial position of the
relevant institution with the consequence of affecting the rights of
subordinated creditors.
In making any such proposed subordinated
liabilities order the Minister must have regard to such of a list of
matters as the Minister considers appropriate. These matters include
the amount of indebtedness of the relevant institution to its
subordinated creditors relative to its assets, the extent and nature of
financial support provided or to be provided to the relevant
institution, the likely extent to which the subordinated creditors
would be repaid amounts owing to them in a winding up of that
institution in the absence of such financial support etc.

Il Governo può emettere i seguenti orders:

(a) the postponement, termination, suspension or other modification
of specific rights, liabilities, terms and obligations
associated with all or any of such subordinated liabilities
including (without limiting the generality of the
foregoing) any or all of the following rights, terms and
(i) the payment of interest;
(ii) the repayment of principal;
(iii) what constitutes an event of default;
(iv) collective action provisions;
(v) the timing of obligations;
(vi) the due date;
(vii) the applicable law;
(viii) the right to declare, specify or determine an event of
(ix) any right to enforce payment, whether by winding-up
or otherwise;

(b) requiring the relevant institution to acquire those liabilities
30 for a specified consideration, including a consideration
calculated on the assumption that the State—
(i) has not provided and will not provide financial support
to that institution, and
(ii) has not made and will not make any investment in
35 that institution.

In soldoni, a seconda della gravità dei casi, il Governo può chiedere la sospensione degli interessi, il differimento della maturity, il riacquisto da parte della banca dei bond a prezzi prestabiliti, etc...

Insomma, se la banca non riesce a stare in piedi da sola, il governo ha mano libera.

La cosa positiva è che la procedura deve necessariamente passare per il tribunale.

Il tribunale è Manovrato dallo Stato..Speriamo solo che Boi resti Viva,altrimenti Adios:rolleyes::)


Forumer storico
Qui si parla che la legge si può applicare anche senza nazionalizzazione..brutta storia
Cmq si Profila che una Banca Può tagliare al 50% Lt2 Ut2 T1 senza Fallire,quindi per il mio gusto non vale + la pena investire in Subordinati,quando non cè un minimo di legge che ci tutela

Come si diceva qualche giorno fa c'era da attendersi qualche manovra purtroppo.. l'offerta così come formulata su Aib e Boi (severa nello scambio ma senza estorsione diretta alla anglo) avrà fatto sorridere qualcuno.. ora invece sappiamo cosa prevedeva il programma e che c'è poco da stare allegri ahimè.. c'è da dire che per chiudere il cerchio così viene stoppata definitivamente ogni velleità di blocco sui sub di Anglo (voto settimana prossima)


Forumer storico
In soldoni, a seconda della gravità dei casi, il Governo può chiedere la sospensione degli interessi, il differimento della maturity, il riacquisto da parte della banca dei bond a prezzi prestabiliti, etc...

Insomma, se la banca non riesce a stare in piedi da sola, il governo ha mano libera.

La cosa positiva è che la procedura deve necessariamente passare per il tribunale.

E gli azionisti? Cioè nella bozza si da per buona l'avvenuta nazionalizzazione per dare il via al meccanismo sul debito?
Chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.

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