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oggi prese 25k di oevag 10% a 59,99
Benvenuto a bordo :titanic: L'altra volta che toccarono i 60 ci fu subito dopo lo storno generale e giù fino a 52, vediamo se delle tante news qualcosa si concretizza.

Oggi uscito da Erste 152 (70) dentro su BCP (57). Su WestLb le quotazioni apparentemente non hanno risentito delle notizie, ho preferito star fermo, mi sono imposto di toccarle solo in caso di ulteriore ribasso o schiarita.


Listen other's viewpoint avoid conflicts & wars.

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Mais, are you lurking:D? If so, please come back:up:!!!


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cedola bawag

...per ora iniziamo ancora senza cedola Bawag...sto incominciando ad innervosirmi... :down:

scusate l' OT ,visto il mancato accredito della cedola e nonostante ripetuti solleciti:down: ho provveduto a chiudere il rapporto ed ho aperto con Db.
ripeto con banca elvetica cedola accreditata il 31/01 correttamente; anche una mia successiva richiesta all' IR di bawag dava esito positivo del pagamento( come già evidenziato da altri)


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07 February 2011

The Bank notes recent media speculation concerning the Bank's plans for meeting the Central Bank's incremental Core Tier 1 capital requirements of €2.199 billion by 28 February 2011, announced on 28 November 2010.

The Bank is discussing a number of structures with the State to raise the requisite Core Tier 1 capital by 28 February 2011. The Bank's objective in these discussions is to facilitate a subsequent stock offering to stockholders, at a point when there is likely to be further clarity following the Prudential Capital Assessment Review (PCAR) and Prudential Liquidity Assessment Review (PLAR) which are due to be completed by the 31 March 2011. None of these structures has been approved by or agreed with the State, and there is no certainty as to which, if any, of the structures under consideration will be adopted.

A further announcement will be made in due course.

E da un articolo:

Bank of Ireland has said it is in talks with the State about ways of meeting financial targets set by the Central Bank for the end of this month.
The bank must raise €2.2 billion of capital, €700m of which has already come through a bond exchange.
In a statement responding to media speculation about the bank's plans, Bank of Ireland said it was discussing 'a number of structures' with the State.
It said it was aiming to facilitate a share offering to shareholders at some point after February 28, when there was further clarity after Central Bank reviews of the banks' financial position, which are due to be completed by March 31.
There were reports at the weekend that State funding could be used as a short-term bridge without increasing the taxpayer stake in Bank of Ireland.


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In reply to a letter by the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission from 7th of February 2011, Alpha Bank states that press articles referring to a capital increase of the Bank are entirely incorrect. Alpha Bank, per its standard practise, follows continuously all economic developments and formulates its decisions accordingly, while notifying its shareholders in due time.
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