Obbligazioni societarie Obbligazioni OTE, operatore Tlc greco (2 lettori)


Forumer storico
Perfetto. Nulla da eccepire. Ottima carrellata dei casi a cui abbiamo assistito, catalogati nei loro vizi (tanti) e virtù (nessuna in quei casi :rolleyes:).
Quello che volevo dire io, nel precedente post, in sostanza, è che da quanto abbiamo visto fino ad ora, se proprio non potranno fare a meno di ristrutturare il debito greco, lo dovranno fare limitando al massimo i danni ai creditori e già così aggraveranno il terremoto a cui stiamo assistendo.
Viceversa se in un contesto recessivo la OTE si trova nell'ora della mal parata e se magari la controllante DT fa la furbata di nascondersi dietro il contesto della congiuntura greca... insomma lo abbiamo visto molte volte come attraverso holding, scatole cinesi e responsabilità spostate a soggetti giuridici fittizi con totale manleva della capogruppo...insomma li ci mettono davvero un attimo a darti due spicci e mandarti a casa.
Comunque non credo che nello specifico sia questo il caso.
Forse la OTE in questo frangente può essere veramente una opportunità.

Mi scuso innanzitutto per la miriade di errori di scrittura dei miei post, ma vado "di getto" e molte volte le lettere mi rimangono sulla tastiera :D.

Detto questo hai ragione che DT possa approffittarsi della situazione. Penso che non saranno gli unici se le cose peggioreranno. Questa era una crisi che se avessimo avuto dei leader di peso in europa forse saremmo riusciti a fermarla mentre ora ho paura che i costi per farlo (se si riuscirà) saranno elevatissimi. Il futuro di molte persone sarà rovinato da politici supponenti e inetti.


Forumer storico
OTE: Announcement

Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA (ASE: HTO, OTC MARKET: HLTOY), the Greek full-service telecommunications provider, announces that it will release its second quarter 2011 results under IFRS on Thursday, August 4, 2011.

OTE’s management will host a conference call at 17:00 (GREECE) / 16:00 (CONTINENT) / 15:00 (UK) /10:00 (EASTERN US) following the release, to review the results.

Details regarding the conference call dial-in and replay numbers as well as the live audio webcast of the conference call, following the results, can be accessed at:

OTE | Ote.gr and

Investor Relation


Forumer storico
Greece’s OTE Examines Four-Day Working Week, Kathimerini Says

By Paul Tugwell - Jul 26, 2011 9:42 AM GMT+0200

Tue Jul 26 07:42:36 GMT 2011

Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA (HTO) is considering the introduction of a four-day working week for employees as a way to cut operating costs, Kathimerini reported.
The move would reduce annual wage costs for the company, known as OTE, by as much as 20 percent, or about 100 million euros ($145 million), the newspaper reported, without saying how it obtained the information.



Forumer storico
Hellenic Telecoms Swings To Profit; Greek Mobile Losses Ease

ATHENS -(Dow Jones)- Greece's former monopoly phone company, Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA (HTO.AT), or OTE, Thursday swung to a EUR62.2 million net profit after year earlier losses and said it was seeing signs of stabilization in its Greek mobile operations.
A year ago, the company reported a EUR60.8 million net loss, mostly due to an extraordinary EUR97 million crisis levy imposed by the Greek government that wasn't repeated this year.
But in a statement, the company also warned that rising payroll costs in its fixed-line division would weigh on future earnings.
"Payroll and benefits... have continued to rise steadily year after year and quarter after quarter," said Chairman and Chief Executive Michael Tsamaz. "It is imperative that we find a solution to this, as it puts an unbearable burden on our future prospects."


-Net profit for the second quarter to June 30 EUR62.2 million (2010: EUR60.8 million)
-Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, or Ebitda, EUR396.9 million (2010: EUR463.2 million)
-Revenue EUR1.25 billion (2010: EUR1.36 billion)
-OTE sees "early signs of stabilization and normalization" in Greek mobile after year earlier price war.
-Greek mobile growth "still not in sight" but rate of decline easing and mobile data showing increases.
-Total mobile revenue down 6.6% to EUR646.5 million.
-Total Greece fixed-line revenue down 15.0% to EUR466.1 million. In Romania, fixed-line revenue down 7.1% to EUR166.1 million.
-Hellenic Telecoms says payroll-reduction measures are required in Greek fixed-line to bring the operation's cost structure in line with its lower revenue base.
-Outlook: For the balance of 2011, OTE expects that its revenues will continue to be affected by difficult economic conditions in all countries. In Greek mobile, Cosmote should see further signs of market stabilization. Mobile operations should also show more resilience in other countries, notably Romania, where it will benefit from greater integration with fixed-line activities.



Forumer attivo
Notizie su OTE, operatore Tlc greco?

...come si spiega la forte discesa di una obblig scadenza 2013?

Sono veramente aumentati i rischi di default o è solo panic selling perchè "odora" di greco?


Forumer storico
Ciao Zigmunt, queste le ultime novità:

OTE: Critical Negotiations On Labour Issues

Hellenic Telecoms (OTE) administration and unionists are ahead of a breach, as a deadline set by the company expires on Wednesday.

OTE administration had asked OME OTE union to submit written proposals on the amendments of labour agreements in order to reduce labour costs.

Otherwise, the company appears determined to proceed with unilateral amendments, firstly by setting four working days per week and cutting of salaries by 10%.

OTE executives do not rule out the possibility of lower cuts than 10%, despite the fact that employees would no longer work five days per week, if OME OTE consents. Moreover, the administration has already obliged to secure job positions for two years.

At the last meeting yesterday between OTE management and unionists, the need for change of “Youth Account” was discussed. According to this agreement, the employees paid a small amount each month, and their children received €28,000 when reached adulthood.

In this context, the company’s administration proceeds with the establishment of a committee to decide what changes would be made. OTE is estimated to save €10 million each year.

So far, OME OTE appears ready to discuss just salary freezing and no further changes in labour relations, so sources speak of an inevitable deadlock of negotiations.

Regarding the possibility of a new early retirement program, unionists are not opposed but disagree with the incentives.



Forumer attivo
Ciao Zigmunt, queste le ultime novità:

OTE: Critical Negotiations On Labour Issues

Hellenic Telecoms (OTE) administration and unionists are ahead of a breach, as a deadline set by the company expires on Wednesday.

OTE administration had asked OME OTE union to submit written proposals on the amendments of labour agreements in order to reduce labour costs.

Otherwise, the company appears determined to proceed with unilateral amendments, firstly by setting four working days per week and cutting of salaries by 10%.

OTE executives do not rule out the possibility of lower cuts than 10%, despite the fact that employees would no longer work five days per week, if OME OTE consents. Moreover, the administration has already obliged to secure job positions for two years.

At the last meeting yesterday between OTE management and unionists, the need for change of “Youth Account” was discussed. According to this agreement, the employees paid a small amount each month, and their children received €28,000 when reached adulthood.

In this context, the company’s administration proceeds with the establishment of a committee to decide what changes would be made. OTE is estimated to save €10 million each year.

So far, OME OTE appears ready to discuss just salary freezing and no further changes in labour relations, so sources speak of an inevitable deadlock of negotiations.

Regarding the possibility of a new early retirement program, unionists are not opposed but disagree with the incentives.

Hai notizie o visibilità sui risultati economici previsti nei prossimi 2, 3 anni?
E/o sulla situazione debitoria?


Forumer storico
...come si spiega la forte discesa di una obblig scadenza 2013?

Sono veramente aumentati i rischi di default o è solo panic selling perchè "odora" di greco?

Crescita delle aspettative di default con ritorno alla dracma, che inciderebbe drasticamente sul debito delle società private.

E' scontro fra titani sul mercato: attese di supporto parentale contro attese di default greco con ritorno a dracma. La scommessa, per chi la volesse fare - io non sono fra questi - è la seguente: Deutsche Telekom pantalone onorerà il debito di OTE ? e lo stato greco le consentirà di non fare defaultare OTE in caso il paese tornasse alla dracma ?


Forumer attivo
Crescita delle aspettative di default con ritorno alla dracma, che inciderebbe drasticamente sul debito delle società private.

E' scontro fra titani sul mercato: attese di supporto parentale contro attese di default greco con ritorno a dracma. La scommessa, per chi la volesse fare - io non sono fra questi - è la seguente: Deutsche Telekom pantalone onorerà il debito di OTE ? e lo stato greco le consentirà di non fare defaultare OTE in caso il paese tornasse alla dracma ?

Ben contento di ri-incontrarti sul fol. (Causa mia assenza, preso da stupidaggini calcistiche di là.)

Io ci sono dentro per 10k, e la minus è di circa 1,5K.
Mi seccherebbe perderli, ma ancor peggio sarebbe un taglio di capelli a spazzola tipo marines.

Anche se non vuoi scommettere, per quale tesi propendi, in termini probabilistici (se te la senti di sbilanciarti, senza che venga preso per un consiglio) ?

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